trumptaxreturns trump resist maga congress muellerreport mnuchin politics stevemnuchin subpoena trumptaxes wontbeerased democrats fakebillionaire impeachtrump taxreturns americafirst donaldtrump donthecon guncontrolnow gunreform impeachbarr nytimes somanyreasons transrights trump2020 dumptrump impeach45 tcot
It’s official !!!
DEMOCRATS TAKE THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES !! #Repost @righthandedleftyartist
Democrats win the House! Nice tie, Mr. “President”. #votelikeyourrightsdependonit #takingbackourcountry #taxreturns #whatthefuckhappened #trumptaxreturns #oversight #oversightcommittee #lettheinvestigationsbegin #votingworks #votingmatters #notmypresident #worstpresidentever #votelikeyourrightsdependonit #notmypresident #subpoaenapower #trumpisaracistpieceoftrash #trumpisaracist #fucktrump #whereareyouamerica #secretrainbowflag #secretgayflag
Trump is our president elect. We deserve to know who Donald Trump truly is? Who Donald Trump has businesses dealings with? Our country cannot afford to move forward without this information. This is no longer about a candidate, this is about America's future president and commander in chief. #lovetrumpshate #truth #america #presidente #president #2016 #election2016 #f #f4 #f4f #follow4follow #leadership #trumptaxreturns #whoisdonaldtrump #cnn #foxnews #msnbc #press #helpus #needinformation #transparency