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*VULNERABLE POST* I want to open up about something very personal and painful.
This past fall I had a miscarriage.
My due date was TODAY and we are just trying to stay positive through this journey.
For those that have experienced loss you know how tough it can be. We have been trying for our rainbow baby ever since.
We are so excited and grateful to partner with @avawomen to help me track my cycle. When trying to get pregnant... timing is EVERYTHING. Ava increases your chances for conception each cycle by telling you the right time to try. Whether you are just trying to get to know your body better, trying to conceive or are tracking your body throughout your pregnancy AVA is your saving grace. It tracks 5 physiological signs of fertility - pulse, breathing rate, temperature, sleep, and stress levels.
It takes away so much pressure of having to take my temperature and trying to guess when my 5 most fertile days are. I just have to wear the bracelet at night for at least 4 hours and just sync it in the morning. I’ll keep you all updated.... Send all the baby dust our way - we are hoping for that baby! #avapartner #avawomen #avabracelet use code: MICHAELA for $20 off!
The pure emotion behind this photo ❤️ #Repost @arnoldhenry
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Our family is so excited to announce that we are expecting baby #2 after 3 years of trying and never giving up hope! After the loss of our identical twins at only 10 weeks, it was extremely difficult for my wife and I to move forward. We were scared and confused. What if it happened again? What if we never got pregnant again? I remembered we shared that taboo topic with friends and had received so much support from people who had experienced a miscarriage in the past. Their stories were inspiring, uplifting and encouraging. We weren't alone in this world. We held on to that.
Months passed and nothing was happening. We questioned each other. Then, our son had some questions too. Mommy, Daddy, can I get a little brother or sister? But little did he know, we have been trying and trying. Any hint of pregnancy, my wife bought another First Response Pregnancy Test. We desperately wanted another baby. At one point, we said to each other, maybe we're only suppose to have one child.
January 2019, while I was on a video call with my illustrator to discuss my next children's book, my wife whispered my name. I looked. She was shaking, in tears, holding one of the many pregnancy tests. I already knew what that meant. "Are you fking serious?" I cried, squeezing her tightly before looking at the results. She was pregnant with our baby.
For the past few weeks, we kept it a secret because we had to be sure this time. Today, we had our 12 week ultrasound check up and the doctor told us that our baby is looking great. We are content and excited for this new journey. October 10th 2019, we can't wait to meet our baby girl or baby boy. #dadlife #daddy #rainbowbaby #fatherhood #blackfathers #yyc #calgary #healthypregnancy
#stolen •
My daughter is going to her Papa's house today, so that means I get the whole house to myself. I can finally clean in peace!! Lol •
Question of the day: How do you cope with stress during the 2 week wait?
#ttc #ttcaftermiscarriage #ttcjourney #tryingforababy #tryingtoconceive #babynumber2 #babydust #endometriosis #pcos #ttcwithpcos #ttcwarrior #ttcishard #ttcafterloss #ttcsisters #ttcsupport #ttcwithendo #miraclebaby #rainbowbaby #prayingforamiracle #2ww #twoweekwait #2weekwait #twolines #prayingfor2lines
Tested again this AM. BFN. Starting to spot brown/pink. Definitely thinking it's my period trying to start up again. So tired of this waiting game. I just want my baby.
#ttc #ttcaftermiscarriage #ttcjourney #tryingforababy #tryingtoconceive #babynumber2 #babydust #endometriosis #pcos #ttcwithpcos #ttcwarrior #ttcishard #ttcafterloss #ttcsisters #ttcsupport #ttcwithendo #miraclebaby #rainbowbaby #prayingforamiracle #2ww #twoweekwait #2weekwait #twolines #prayingfor2lines
#SWIPE I was making eggs yesterday for lunch and the yolk busted. Is it just me or does it kind of look like a human embryo Hopefully it's a sign!!
#ttc #ttcaftermiscarriage #ttcjourney #tryingforababy #tryingtoconceive #babynumber2 #babydust #endometriosis #pcos #ttcwithpcos #ttcwarrior #ttcishard #ttcafterloss #ttcsisters #ttcsupport #ttcwithendo #miraclebaby #rainbowbaby #prayingforamiracle #2ww #twoweekwait #2weekwait #twolines #prayingfor2lines
Who else is in the 2 week wait with me? 3dpo
#ttc #ttcaftermiscarriage #ttcjourney #tryingforababy #tryingtoconceive #babynumber2 #babydust #endometriosis #pcos #ttcwithpcos #ttcwarrior #ttcishard #ttcafterloss #ttcsisters #ttcsupport #ttcwithendo #miraclebaby #rainbowbaby #prayingforamiracle #2ww #twoweekwait #2weekwait #twolines #prayingfor2lines
For all of the Mum’s who tried to conceive this year.
For all of the Mum’s who waited for their periods to end. For their ovulation to happen. For the two weeks before they could take a pregnancy test. To all of the mums who got a positive result. To all of the mums who got a negative result.
For all of the mums who tried.
For all of the mums who waited in the fertility clinic for hours before their bloodwork and ultrasounds. Who gripped the table when they had their sonohysterogram & who didn’t tell anyone why they were in such discomfort for days after. To all of the mums who had to give themselves needles, put on patches, take medications, insert all of the mums who had to act “normal” despite all of these interventions.
For all of the mums who want their babies so badly. Who are still waiting for them. Who feel guilty for feeling overwhelmed at birthday parties or baby showers or holidays. Who have to clench their teeth when people ask, “so, when are you finally going to have a baby?” For all of the mums who tried - who are still trying - who are taking a break - who are staying positive - who are waiting for their positive. Who are tired of trying.
For all of the Mums who aren’t yet mums - but who will be one day - one way or the other - I love you and I’m here for you. Regardless of where you are or who you are. My DM inbox is always a sounding board for support. Xoxox
Like many people in this community, the week leading up to Mother’s Day is hard for me.
It brings back years of memories of driving in the car sobbing because a commercial came on the radio about a contest for moms to win a free pair of diamond earrings.
Memories of standing in work meetings right before the holiday where moms were acknowledged and given pampering goodies or a flower while the rest of us were ignored and forgotten.
And memories of seeing social media posts where people call their pets their fur “babies” and celebrate them on Mother’s Day only to be cruelly mocked because “you can’t compare fur babies to human babies.”
I know that.
Trust me I know that.
But please be patient with those of us who have fur babies and talk about them like they are our babies and even compare certain aspects to having children.
We may be hurting on the inside and want nothing more than to join the mommy club and this is the closest we can get.
Tell me, do you celebrate your fur momma status on Mother’s Day?