twdgminerva twdg twdgminnie twdgviolet minervatwdg twdglouis thewalkingdeadgame twdgclementine violentine telltalegames twdgaj twdgseason4 clouis twdgedit stillnotbitten twdgame twdgclem thewalkingdead skybound clementine twdgjames clementinetwdg skyboundgames twdglilly twdgs4 clem twdgtenn brokentoys minerva twdgtenn
’ . •
if u can’t hear the voiceovers; “no louis!”
“cause marlon was so ashamed-“
“I said shut up!”
“tell me it’s not true”
“I saw, you let them take me” •
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#thewalkingdeadgame #twdg #twdgedit #twdglouis #louistwdg #clouis #twdgclementine #twdgclem #clemtwdg #clementinetwdg #twdgbrody #brodytwdg #twdgmarlon #marlontwdg #twdgminerva #minervatwdg #twdgminnie #minnietwdg #twdgviolet #violettwdg #violentine
it had to be done
#thewalkingdeadgame #thewalkingdead #twdg #twdgmeme #twdgseason4 #twdgseason3 #twdgclementine #clementinetwdg #clementine #twdgclem #twdglouis #louistwdg #clouis #twdgviolet #violettwdg #ajtwdg #twdgaj #twdgmarlon #marlontwdg #minervatwdg #twdgminnie #twdgminerva #twdgjames #jamestwdg #gabetwdg #twdggabe
"I‘ll step up. Whatever that means." I got really lazy to make a good edit but I wanted to post something... lol.. but I hope y‘all like it!
ac: @drizzyaudios
cc: @vscoloringsbyalanah sp: @twdglogoless panning credit: @videostartransitions
dt: tagged. #twdg #thewalkinddead #clouis #thewalkingdeadgame #twdgedit #twdgclementine #clementine #twdglouis #twdgminerva #twdgclouis
most attractive females this season, I’m sure we can all agree on this statement :) •
sorry for not posting lately, I haven’t been very inspired HAJNS •
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#thewalkingdeadgame #twdg #twdgedit #twdgclementine #twdgclem #clemtwdg #clementinetwdg #violettwdg #twdgviolet #minervatwdg #twdgminerva #twdgminnie #minnietwdg #brodytwdg #twdgbrody