tytt fdlftl mnmstrong mentorsminions mnmgym 7dayswithoutmentormakes1weak proudtrainer repyourbrand stayinaheadoffathertime repthosewhorepyou childphotography love beautiful blackandwhite cameramama canon childhood childhoodunplugged childmodel childphotographer childrenphotography familyphotography kids kidsofinstagram letthembelittle naturallight nature newbornphotography lapset
This week at the Ministry of Yoga we are starting a in depth journey through a 200hr Tribe Yoga teacher training and we are delighted to welcome to this event 11 students which will flourish into teachers!
Our #ResidentTeacher Shelley and #InvitedSeniorTeacher Gaia among other wonderful guides will be leading this event over the course of 8 months, if you’re one of those spontaneous people...you can still join the training, just get in touch with us ASAP!
Here with an update as we have some special classes during the Easter Holidays:
Good Friday - All levels class at 10:30am
Saturday 20th, Easter Sunday 21st and Easter Monday 22nd we are opening our doors for you to join the Tribe Yoga Teacher Training Asana Practise 7:00 till 9:00am the cost per student is £10 and it will be a all levels class, students from the training might be practising simple adjustments during this time.
Bookings can be done through @mindbody app from your phone.
#TYTT #YTT #Ministryofyogauk #yogaforall #asanapractise #yogateachertraining #yogaforall #cheshireyoga #yogauk #meetourteachers #MOYevents #tribeyoga #hathayoga
Another oldie: cover to the introduction of the #1 of the young Time Travellers. Little guy finds himself in a world with 2 realities...kinda like IRL. Also made my real life experience/excursion for getting the story right. We'll see. Here also nice view on all colored lines in a #ralphniese pic. And the too much details initial first page test. And some miniature toy sculpt WIP #jesusthiswayinevergetshitdone #cover #illustration #tytt #fistfulfumetti
Children's potraits
#iso #childphotographer #naturallight #childmodel #friends #childhood #kidsfashion #nature #babyphotography #summer #cute #baby #familypictures #sweet #canon #candidchildhood #newborn #ig #kidsphoto #kidsportrait #tytt #kidsofinstagram #its #kes #joy #our #childrenportraits #holiday #jj #childrenportrait