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Don’t be ashamed if you have scars from #crohns and #ulcerativecolitis All bellies are beautiful! P. S. I would like to let you know that FREE live potent probiotic is back in stock and FREE high quality premium protein is still available! Both can be very helpful for people with #ibd . Protein can replenish nutrients that are often get depleted in people with #crohnsdisease and #uc , may help with energy and supporting recovery and healing process. Probiotic can help to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients and strengthen the immune system. It’s truly free, no strings attached, worldwide shipping. You can get it via my website at https://outsmartdisease.com/IBD-resources or Just click the link in my instagram profile description @crohnsresearch <<<===clickable link
Drink water time ✨✨#studypharam1 مختصرات مفيده useful apprivation ..#pharmacology #heart #lung #studygram #usa #tricks #love #understand #action #besmart #فارما #pharmd #pharmacy #pharmacist. #مختصر #ccb #calcium #uses #heart #cardiology #cns #pepticulcer #pregnancy #liver #b #heart #muscle #protonpumpinhibitor #ulcerativecolitis #diabetes
A while ago I noticed a lot of people in the chronic illness community talking about a statement “Dr.” Phil made on a recent episode of his show. In the episode he said,”100 out of 100 relationships that involve caregiving fail.”
When I read that statement I was absolutely appalled. It brought up a lot of old fears I’d had. Fears like: “Will anyone ever want to be in a relationship with someone that’s sick?” “Will I be burden?”
I started reading the stories from the hashtag #100outof100 and it absolutely made my heart smile. I encourage you to read them too☺️
There are people out there that will love you despite all the challenges you face. And if you’re in a relationship that’s strained because of your illness, THAT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.
You are a beautiful person that is worthy of love and your illness will never change that. Always remember that.
#diabetes #fatigue #pots #dysautonomia #multiplesclerosis #ulcerativecolitis #arthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #chronicpain #sicklecell #lymedisease #ibs #ibd #lupus #autoimmunedisease #fibromyalgia #endometriosis #ptsd #pcos #migraines #ehlersdanlos #crohns #depression #anxiety #chronicillness #idiopathicthrombocytopenicpurpura #spoonie
Maybe there are those out there who can go off meds and switch to supplements, etc. but what can I say... That ain’t me
#chronicpain #chronicpainwarrior #chronicillness #chronicillnesswarrior #autoimmunedisease #autoimmunewarrior #spoonie #arthritis #juvenilearthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #rawarrior #lupus #sjogrens #chrons #lymedisease #fibromyalgia #pots #pcos #eds #ibs #ulcerativecolitis #multiplesclerosis #invisibleillness #dysautonomia #endometriosis #endowarrior #dailymemes #motivation
What do you do to relieve stress-related insomnia when you don’t know the source of the stress... I’m so tired
#chronicpain #chronicpainwarrior #chronicillness #chronicillnesswarrior #autoimmunedisease #autoimmunewarrior #spoonie #arthritis #juvenilearthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #rawarrior #lupus #sjogrens #chrons #lymedisease #fibromyalgia #pots #pcos #eds #ibs #ulcerativecolitis #multiplesclerosis #invisibleillness #dysautonomia #endometriosis #endowarrior #dailymemes #motivation #tgif
|I’m not faking being ill, I’m faking being well|
Here I am as I am most of the time: in bed, in need of a shower, unbrushed hair, wearing the same pjs for days in a row. I’m knackered, exhausted, bone tired, in pain, too hot, too cold, my muscles don’t work very well, keeping my eyes open is an effort, I can’t think properly, I’m lightheaded when standing, I can make it to the bathroom and back but the stairs are intimidating and regularly becoming too big a challenge for me.
Also, here I am as I am when I leave the house for an adventure (hospital appt, cafe date, wee day out somewhere): I’ve showered, my hair is nice, I’ve got human clothes on, wearing jewellery and make up and I’m smiling. I look healthy and happy and have borrowed energy because of the adrenaline I’m running on. I’m still symptomatic but you can’t tell that can you?
The point of this post is basically just to say I am the same person in both kinds of photos. The highlight reel of trips and adventures out of the house represents me just as much as the raw moments of pj clad desperation, pain and fatigue whilst bedbound. They are both me. I am chronically ill and symptomatic in both.
I think it’s important to occasionally have a wee reminder that not everyone’s illnesses are visible 100% of the time. Sometimes it’s good to have a moment’s reflection on perspective.
Chronic illnesses are often invisible but even when they are not, sufferers can often conceal them in order to feel more human/‘normal’ or better about themselves and their appearance.
If you see me looking well, it’s makeup. If you see me being giddy and happy it’s because that’s my character! I either have a spare spoon of energy or I’m running on adrenaline but either way it doesn’t cancel out my conditions, mean I’m recovered or that I’ve been faking being ill.
Equally, if you see me looking knackered and ill, please don’t assume I’ve lost my positivity and tell me to stay positive; it just invalidates how I am feeling and the symptoms I am experiencing.