jesus unashamedgeneration unashamed christ unashamedmovement godisgood love worship christianity dontblamegod thisisamovement beunashamed romans116 liveunashamed gospel campattitude holyspirit bible bringyourbible bringyourbibletoschoolday christianschools jesuschrist unashamedgen allthetime amen baptist bornagain christmas unashamedmovement
You are a chosen People - 1 Peter 2:9. You have influence and God will do the very thing that we ask of Him. Have faith in God and never stop praying for your friends. You will change your generation. No matter the number of friends that show up, never get discouraged and never give up and never give in. God is working on your behalf. Believe it!!!!! #revivaliscoming #whatsinyourbackpack #unashamedgeneration