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We have a database and connections with thousands of music blogs, music directors, radio statios, DJs at college/non-commercial radio, and record labels around the world. We will submit your music and information about yourself/band and a description of the song. Placement is guaranteed and we will send reports. Save thousands of hours and dollars by letting us submit and publish your content to the best media all at once.
Results are guaranteed! Available for all song types (Music Video, iTunes, SoundCloud, etc.)
Submit your music to be played on thousands of licensed stations worldwide, including major American markets such as iHeart Radio. Your music will be in rotation for the duration of your promotion campaign.
Your music will be added to hundreds of the best playlists via apple music, spotify, tidal, and more.
Many guaranteed blog posts that get people familiar with you as an artist and your music.
Social Media (Twitter, Instagram, SoundCloud, etc.) posts and reposts from many brands with millions of combined followers, including our Twitter and Instagram.
Eligible for royalties. (If you are new and would like to learn how to make money from your music, we will help you with this.
Receive interviews and reviews.
We will send you a database containing thousands of music blogs and their information so that you may submit to them at any time.
Gain thousands of new fans and up to millions of streams.
Win a chance to feature on popular news stations, including Google News!
We will examine your track and publish to the best relevant blogs and radio stations. This promotion will produce a viral effect, so your music will increase by the thousands-millions depending on its likability.
This package is available at musicpromotionworldwide.com (link in bio)
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Don Pablo - @do_gizzle
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New Single by Me @rhythmiclab Icyzevently - Nobody Leave a comment let me know what you think .
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