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How to make A perfect #MINDSET
#sandeepmaheshwari #sandeepmaheshwarifanclub # #sandeepmaheshwarifanclub #aasanhai #aasan# #sandeep_maheshwari #sanju#discover #sandeepmaheshwarifanclub #Happiness #is #in #you #it's #you #call #comfort #zone #MINDTEST make you #UNSTOPPABLE
I like to dream. Many people live their lives without pausing, without thinking, just on autopilot. Waking up every morning, going to work, having a drink with friends, watching a movie and going to bed; having some hobbies here and there and going on vacations when they saved up enough.
But life is so much more than just a loop on which our minds have been set. I like to dream because I ask myself tough questions, analyze my own thoughts and actions, what can I do better and what can I stop doing? Improving the world starts by improving oneself. Try it some time, it’ll make you happy.
Me gusta soñar. Muchas personas viven sus vidas sin detenerse, sin pensar, solo avanzando en piloto automático. Despertándose cada mañana, yendo al trabajo, tomando una copa con amigos, viendo una película y brincando a la cama, teniendo algunos pasatiempos por aquí y allá y saliendo de vacaciones cuando pudiste ahorrar suficiente dinero.
Pero la vida es mucho más que vivir en un círculo en el que nuestras mentes se han establecidas. Me gusta soñar porque me hago preguntas difíciles, analizo mis propios pensamientos y acciones, ¿qué puedo hacer mejor y qué puedo dejar de hacer? Mejorar el mundo comienza mejorando uno mismo. Pruébalo alguna vez, te hará feliz.
#entrepreneur #emprendedor #mentor #lifestyle #estilodevida #menteempreendedora #emprendedores #dinero #emprende #meditacion #vivefeliz #vivelibre
#entrepreneurlife #mindset #healthylifestyle #secretosdelexito #beunique #seunico #unstoppable #motivation #semejor #vidadeempreendedor #vidasaludable #tomariesgos #invincible #inquebrantable #amodemidestino
Решил спустя долгое время посмотреть свой максимум на брусьях со своим весом.
Как думаете сколько я сделал?
Первые 3 человека которые отгадают правильный результат пиар в сторис от меня)
#workoutacademy #roadtothedream #roadtothedream71 #rdarmy #rdfamily #omactiv #streetworkout #unstoppable #calisthenics #воркаут #muscleup #localsmd #fitnessmotivation #frontlever #planche #workout24 #calisthenics #workout #healthylifestyle #training #barstarzz #wswcf #motivation #barbars #dream
⬇️⬇️About yesterday and last night...⬇️⬇️
Had amazing day of showings and #offeraccepted for my buyers.✅
Amazing 4.5 miles run/hike ♀️with @mis_e_cc with the great weather we had.
Each day I am getting stronger and I am able to go further and longer on my #runs♀️ .
It helps to keep the consistency, it is the same in all areas of our lives. We have to constantly work and continue to improve in every area
Special dinner with this soon to be 1st grader❤ A little pre graduation celebration for her
#Family time and home made flan made by #mom and my #auntie that was delicious!
#icandothis #jenperezrealtor #realtorslife #momslife #read #unstoppable #hiker