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#Repost @utahpodcastsummit with @get_repost
Welcome to our next speaker at the 2019 Utah Podcast Summit: Chris Holifield of the @iamsaltlake podcast!⠀
Chris will be speaking on our monetization panel, and facilitating our morning Hall of Experts!⠀
Come learn from Chris and all of our other great speakers on June 8th! Get your tickets: www.utahpodcastsummit.com⠀
#IamSaltLake #IamSaltLakepodcast #utpod #podcasting #podcastlife #podcastaddict #podcaststudio #podcasters #podcastersunite #podcaster #podcastinglife #podcasts #podcastersofinstagram #podcast #podcastlove #itunes #linkinbio #utahevents #utahevent #slcevent #slcevents #ticketsavailable #getyourtickets #slcpodcast #saltlakecity #slcc #UtahPodcastSummit #utahpodcast #Utah⠀
Are any of my friends fans of the super popular COLD Podcast?
COLD podcast's Dave Cawley will be speaking at the Utah Podcast Summit this year!
Guess who else is speaking at that event? Yep, yours truly ;) Get your tickets now, before they sell out! ❗ #coldpodcast #podcast #utahpodcastnetwork #utahpodcastsummit #ceo #womanbusiness #bossbabe
Busy on Saturday? Come out to the Utah Podcast Summit and see me do the best Ron Burgundy impersonation this side of San Diego.... Oh yeah, and learn "5 ways PR can launch your podcast to success" See you there!
#utah #utahpodcastnetwork #utahpodcastsummit #podcast #speaker #ceo #badass #bossbabe #publicrelations #pr #publicity
"My name is Blair Nicole, and I don't know if you know this, but I'm kind of a big deal..."
Suit up? Check.
Ron Burgundy impersonation perfected? Check.
Time to head to the Utah Podcast Summit and impart some PR wisdoms... Hope to see you there! ;) #utahpodcastnetwork #utahpodcastsummit #speaker #ceo #bossbabe #suitup #ronburgundy #publicrelations #publicity #anchorman
So Pinterest went public #PINS We at Pin Concierge are more excited than most. But our creators are scared. Scared it will be the Facebook debacles of 2018. We are here to reassure you⠀
So here's the honest truth. Facebook has your friends and family to make content for them. They don't need business statuses to get users to the platform Hence they make businesses pay to be seen. Pinterest on the other hand needs creator content because that is what pinners are looking for. They gotta have great creator content to stick their ads between (don't forget they are an ad revenue platform). So creators will be important. But don't mistake that for being more important than pinners and revenue. Cause sorry creators, you come in third after money and users. But with this influx of cash to Pinterest they WILL develop better UI and better analytics systems and their top three will ALL benefit. ⠀
I talk even more about this in the news round of Pinterest on this weeks Pin Concierge Podcast check out the link in bio.⠀ #PINS #pinconcierge #Pinteresting #pinteresty #collaborationovercompetition #WomeninBusinessUtah #SmallbusinessUT #UtahSmallBusiness #WBCUtah #IPO #utahpodcastsummit
Don't miss the @UtahPodcastSummit happening on June 2nd! Podcasting is the next wave of marketing because it's a great way to connect with your business' customers. It's also an easy way to connect with people who love your hobby the way you do, or to tell a story that otherwise wouldn't be told! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The two women who bring you the Womenpreneurs social media curation will be there, so come say hello! Laura Montoya is teaching a workshop titled, "Storytelling: Breathe Life Into Your Brand." Chrisella Herzog is one of the summit co-organizers, and is moderating a panel in the afternoon on "Rising Above the Noise." We can't wait to see you there!
Use code 'womenpreneurs' to get $5 off your ticket at www.utahpodcastsummit.com.