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Tons of hours poured into reviving a set of severely blown up old Yates C3 351w Nascar heads. All the chambers had shrapnel damage but this one was by far the worst.
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Repost from @ramey_racing
Up to the day, I haven’t seen any aspirated motor producing power with such ports surface or finish. The concept of dimples is to reduce drag on a body, for purposes of the effect a ball, traveling suspended in air by reducing vortices in the low pressure areas and allow air flow boundary layer to remain attached to the ball in a greater area. Let’s do some research on Reynolds Number formula in order to understand what is the purpose of dimples and how it affects a BODY traveling in air.
I’m not saying it doesn’t work in ports. Yet I haven’t seen any motor making power with such finish. It might improve flow numbers a little bit, but the fact that it looks “cool” doesn’t mean it will work. Spend money wisely#porting #intakeports #golfball #dimples #porting #portingporn #handporting #porting #headwork #valvejob #handported #nocnc #humancnc #portnography #engineering #fluidmechanics #flowbench #gridlife #enginebuild #hypebeast
Nice close up look of a used sent in LT4 head after our cleaning, PRC CNC Porting, 5-Angle Valve Job, and Hand Blending Processes!
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