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Et si on prenait le large de temps en temps, le temp d’un week-end, le temps d’une vape ! ⚓️ —————-
Bon week-end de Pentecôte P&J
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☄️☄️Not about the appearance, but the powerful design make it a treasure babe#famovapeofficial#magmabox#magma200w#boxmod#vapemods#vapenation#vape#vapor#vector tank#vapeholiday
Have put everything we’ve learned into the Magma box, including our new V-Tek chip which drastically reduced the build size, making it the smallest dual battery mod on the market today
Caiman bf6 pire di kanthal 0,35mm su punta da 2,5mm
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This year, flavor Mom's lifestyle with something she'll actually use: The new MOTI. @wiretheory
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Really missed snowing days ***
So you get a cloud whenever you open your mouth say Hello to someone ~ Credit: @glizzzzzzzz
~ Freemax Mesh Pro
Wood Pulp Cotton (80% Flax Cotton + 20% Cotton) World's First Double & Triple & Quad Mesh Coil
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