vascularsurgery cirurgiavascular vascular surgery varizes cirurgiaendovascular endovascularsurgery doctor medicine surgeon varicoseveins vascularsurgeon angiologia cardiacsurgery endovascular medico anaestesiology appendectomy arfid arterialdisease beachtime bodaixtapa burping cacs celiacarterycompression centralsensitization cirurgia diarrhea dunbarsyndrome dysautonomia academypa
Let’s play. #ornurse #scrub #nursing #wedontplaycards #nursesrock #murse #letsplay #nurse #trauma #nursememes #rnfa #np #crna #dnp #nursesofinstagram #nurselife #aorn2019 #aorn #operatingroom #scrublife #surgery #wesavelives #nursesunite #hospital #orthopedicsurgery #vascularsurgery #nicu #icu #pacu #joker
Aneurisma de Aorta Roto é uma situação dramática e com alta mortalidade, por isso a necessidade de intervenção cirúrgica é imediata.
No caso em destaque optamos por uma cirurgia de emergência para correção do Aneurisma de aorta abdominal roto, técnica convencional com incisão Xifo-púbica (acesso transperitoneal). Utilizamos protese de dacron bifurcada com um ramo para ilíaca externa direita (ligada à hipogastrica direita) e outro Ramo para bifurcação ilíaca esquerda.
Caso Conduzido em conjunto com o Dr.Samuel Martins, experiente e excepcional cirurgião vascular e endovascular, e com nossas brilhantes Residentes Dra. Marina Gouvea, Dra. Manuela, Dra. Paula.
É uma situação crítica de risco imediato a vida que envolve uma equipe multidisciplinar: Cirúrgica, Anestésica, UTI, Hemocentro com banco de Sangue, Enfermagem,Fisioterapeuta, Auxiliares de sala Cirúrgica, todos dando o seu melhor para salvar uma vida Humana. Faz lembrar porque escolhi essa profissão, essa especialidade e principalmente porque amo o que faço !! #saude #vascular #vascularsurgery #bemestar #doctor #medicinaporamor #aneurisma #aorta #enfermagem #anestesia #fisioterapia #emergencia #intensivista #uti #formaçãoprofissional
Dynamic CE MRA of pulmonary and heart great vessels
GE HDXt 1.5T
#advanced_mri #mritech #mritechnologist #radiographer #radiologist #medicalimaging #radiographer #vessel #brain #radiologytech #neurologist #medicalimaging#hemangioma #medicalstudent #medicine #radiologystudent #anatomy #brain#vascularsurgery #arm#avm#pulmonaryembolism #technology
Lisonjeado em ser convidado para ministrar 2 aulas no congresso mais inovador da cirurgia vascular do Brasil. uma sobre lesão vascular em atletas de alto rendimento e outra sobre mídia social e o médico. Obrigado pelo convite @ronaldfidelis e já ansioso pela mesa redonda com somente @fernandamarchezini @alinelamaita.vascular e @livialyra .
Nos vemos no SELF @ivasceventos
#clinicavascularabrao #clinicaperfectha #cirurgiavascular #veias #vascular #medico #surgery #cirurgiao #cirurgia #healthy #medicine #saude #vascularsurgery #saopaulo #cirurgiãovascular #endovascular #doctor #surgeon #laser #varizes #colaemmimquepassadeano #escleroterapia #bahia #brasil
Geçirilmiş DVT sonrası kronik olarak tam tıkalı olan iliyak toplardamarların balon anjiyoplasti ve stentleme ile başarılı tedavisi. Successful treatment of an chronic totally occluded iliac veins by balloon angioplasty and stenting after a deep vein thrombosis. #damarcerrahisi #kalpdamarcerrahisi #varistedavisi #varishastalığı #derinventrombozu #kronikderinventrombozu #dvt #posttrombotiksendrom #vascularity #vascular #vascularsurgery #endovascular #endovascularsurgery #interventionalradiology #sagliklibeslenme #saglikliyasam #kadinsagligi #kadınsağlığı #sağlıklı #sağlık #yaşamak
Tomorrow is residency #matchday2019 when medical students across the US find out if they matched followed by Friday when they find out where they matched.
Most of my followers probably don’t know that when I matched at my program I was actually pretty devastated. I had my heart set on New York. Then for fellowship I was crushed once again for separate reasons all together (see older post for details)
Fast forward three years later and I couldn’t be more thankful for how everything turned out. I fell in love with Philly and will miss the city and my colleagues dearly come fellowship (PLEASE VISIT ME IN BETHLEHEM!)
So to everyone matching this week including @yangswearabouts @mchinchinchin @thestyleprescription @amypunxi and all of my sub-I’s that I had take my Insta pictures:
1️⃣ It’s okay to be upset, or disappointed, or angry, or thrilled, or any emotion you feel. But if you match just remember that you get to be a doctor and be thankful for that. It’s a humbling privilege that you’ve worked incredibly hard for. You get to save lives for a living and nothing will ever change that
2️⃣ If you don’t match where you wanted or’s super corny, but everything will be okay.
3️⃣Go celebrate! Residency is coming..
4️⃣The world is not over if you don’t match. Talk to your medical school administration for help. The road towards being a physician is long and everyone’s journey is different. I wish I could give you a hug through the gram but there is always next year. Talk to your advisors and find out why you think you didn’t match and work on improving your weak areas.
5️⃣ I don’t have another point but leaving the list at 4 felt like bad feng shui
Okay I’m done preaching. So here’s a reward for making it through this essay of an insta post. My throwback to intern year..before I was ‘insta famous’, wearing hospital issued scrubs, and just an intern posting pictures of myself on the gram cause I was finally a real life doctor!
#residency #match2019 #medicine #medicalschool #medschool #lifeofamedstudent #doctorsofinstagtam #lifeofadoctor #lifeofaresident #lifeofamedstudent #surgery #urology #vascularsurgery #pediatrics #plasticsurgery