velma scoobydoo cosplay shaggy velmacosplay velmadinkley daphne cosplayer scooby scoobydoocosplay cosplaygirl fred hannabarbera jinkies mystery scoobygang cartoon glasses illustration meme memes mysteryinc mysterymachine scoobydoowhereareyou scoobysnack velmascoobydoo wednesday comicbooks daphneblake
NEW ART ALERT!!!! ”Say Hello To Grandma” Some of you guys really wanted to see my take on live action movies in my style and I honestly had a lot of fun with it. This movie was alreeeady ahead of its time as it was lol So it’s cool to get somewhat of an idea of how it would look animated. I almost didn’t do the last two frames, yet they ended up being my favorite ones . Welp, hope you all like it!
In case you've ever wondered what 8 baby raccoons looks like... Today we upgraded our original four (the #mysteryincgang) to a larger carrier. The new four (#spicecoons) were already in a larger carrier, but we gave it a quick clean. Everybody is now back in the nursery to sleep some more before dinner time. CK is glad for the chance to run around the house!
#mysteryinc #thegangisallhere #fred #velma #daphne #shaggy #spicebabies #pepperpoppycinnamonandsaffron #babyraccoons #babyraccoon #babyseason #babyanimals #animalrescue #texaswildlife #wildliferehab #wildliferehabber #wildlife #raisingwildlife #raisingraccoons #raccoonsaloon
Obrigada por me deixarem ser sua escrava provedora de comida e limpadora de cocozinhos ♥️
A melhor escolha que eu fiz esse ano foi adotar essas lindezas. Eu sei, tô monotemática, mas além de serem muito fofas elas estão ajudando a manter minha sanidade. Eu tenho ansiedade e trabalho de casa, apesar de ter muitos jobs (obrigada universo) me pegava isolada do mundo, entediada e sozinha a maior parte do dia. Sim, faço terapia, mas ter essas vidinhas para cuidar e amar está me ajudando muito além do que imaginei e me ensinando muito sobre mim mesma. Animaizinhos são puro amor. Apenas tenham #Velma #AnaMaria #PDI #porquinhodaindia #guineapig #cavy #cavia #cuy #cutieguineapig