venturing scouting scoutsbsa beascout scoutmein exploring cubscouts weownadventure boyscoutsofamerica seascouts boyscouts adventure scouts beprepared scout nylt worldscouting camping orderofthearrow outdoors woodbadge badenpowell eaglescout familyscouting jamboree meritbadges messengersofpeace oreida oreidacouncil andsomekilts
Since the first Eagle Scout award was awarded in 1912, over 2.6 million Scouts have earned the the privilege of calling themselves, Eagle Scouts. 6.49% of eligible Scouts earned Scouting’s highest honor in 2018, these Scouts completed over 7,987,074 hours of service and contributed over $197.2 million worth of service to their communities.
@jamesgilbertphoto saw his brother ( @georgegilbert7667 ) all dressed up for a meeting, so of course he had to sneak a quick portrait in. James loves the rimlight on his brothers’s hat from the sun with the fill flash camera left with a Profoto b10 using High Speed Sync. This whole photo took less than 30 seconds. Crazy and incredible! Great shot James and thanks for letting us share it!
(Do to medical reasons, this Scout is saluting with his Left hand instead of his Right.)
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#BSAPics #BSAPIX #BoyScoutsofAmerica #BSA #ScoutsBSA #ScoutMeIn #Venturing #SeaScouts #BeAScout #WeOwnAdventure #WorldScouting #Scouting #Scouts #BePrepared #Adventure #Camping #Outdoors #OrderoftheArrow #OA #EagleScout #SummitAward #QuartermasterAward #Oath #Law #OnceAnEagleAlwaysAnEagle
“On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my Country.”
For some families, everyday is memorial day. Scouts and Scouters, never forget the ultimate sacrifice that our brothers & sisters died for, & for what memorial day is all about. This is not a happy day, but a day for remembrance, reverence, & respect.
Comment the US flag to support the families that have lost a loved one. •
#BSAPics #BSAPIX #BoyScoutsofAmerica #BSA #ScoutsBSA #ScoutMeIn #Venturing #SeaScouts #Scouts #MemorialDay #DecorationDay #FlagDay #USA #Patriot # #IStand #NationalAnthem #NeverForget #Freedom #Veterans #Military #Arlington #ThankYou #Army #Marines #AirForce #Navy #NationalGuard #CoastGuard
Introducing Tommy Lee Hayes-Brown (@peacemantommylee) ⬆️➡ #ScoutMeIn
We were lucky enough to meet Tommy a few months ago and were so inspired by his story that we had to capture it and share it with the world. We hope you enjoy hearing Tommy's story as much as we enjoy sharing it.
Thank you for sharing your story and for reminding us of the transformative power of Scouting for our youth and members.
#WeOwnAdventure #ScoutMeIn #BeAScout #BePrepared #BoyScoutsOfAmerica #BSA #CubScouts #ScoutsBSA #Venturing #SeaScouts #Exploring #Scouting
"The Pinewood Derby. One of the most treasured Boy Scout events. Each year I document Leo making his car. I can’t wait to give him these prints when he’s older." #MyNormanRockwellProject #MyNodToArt
: @meg_nlo
Do you remember your first Pinewood Derby? Do you still have your Pinewood Derby car(s)? It truly is one #Scouting memory most never forget. Share your best #PinewoodDerby memories in the comments!
#BoyScoutsOfAmerica #BSA #CubScouts #ScoutsBSA #Venturing #SeaScouts #Exploring #Scouting #ScoutMeIn #BeAScout
What leadership positions have you held in your Troop, Crew, Ship, Post, Lodge, Chapter, or anything else?
Here is a vintage Senior Patrol Leader pin! Sent in by @inspired.through.imagery
Back in the 50s/60s the Junior Assistant Scoutmaster Patch had 3 Full bars and the SPL Patch had 2 1/2. Also the ASPL Patch had 2 Bars! (All with the First Class Scout Logo, The PL patch was simply 2 Green Bars!)~~~
#bsapics #bsapix #boyscoutsofamerica #bsa #scouts #scout #scoutsbsa #scoutmein #beascout #weownadventure #venturing #seascout #worldscouting #scouting #beprepared #adventure #camping #camp #outdoors #orderofthearrow #oa #eaglescout #summitaward #quartermasteraward #oath #law #onceaneaglealwaysaneagle