PRAVDA ZA SOTU!!! Justice for SOTA R.I.P. LITTLE BABY RepostBy @peace_4animals: "Breaking! In #Barcelona, #Spain, at the #hotelgranvia, a homeless boy who sells bracelets on the street, sleeps with his dog in the parking lot of the hotel. The managers were disturbed by their presence and called the local police. There were five patrols, between 10 and 12 policemen to try and drive the boy and his dog out of the parking lot near the hotel. -
The boy was beat up by the police and the dog got nervous and began to bark. The police officers then shot the dog dead and arrested the boy.
Today in #Barcelona they will demonstrate at the doors of the hotel, and also this Saturday. Join the protest and ask for justice for this poor homeless boy and his dog! Protest on Saturday, December 22nd
At 5pm at the #BarcelonaCityHall
Plaça Sant Jaume. ****PLEASE SHARE WORLDWIDE!!! #justiciaparasota -
Via: Nymeria Real Nature -
@claulup @es.decir @jklamlam -
@worldanimalnews_ @peace_4animals" (via #InstaRepost @AppsKottage) unitedstates #serbia #srbija #srbijadanas #vesti #praznici #vestidana #breakingnews #naslovi #danas #rts #nacionalnatelevizija #tv #vesti #hitno
MOLIM VAS POTPISITE PETICIJU ,,PRAVDA ZA SOTU” Na Engleakom je Link in my bio .Hvala unapred!!!
#peticija #pravda #sud #sota #pravdaZaSOTU #justiciaparasota #justiceforsota
#unitedstates #serbia #srbija #srbijadanas #vesti #praznici #vestidana #breakingnews #naslovi #danas #rts #nacionalnatelevizija #tv #vesti #hitno
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