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It’s time for a day giveaway!
I’m teaming up with @mantraband to give one lucky grammer a chance to win a #mantraband of choice. That’s right, any color, any mantra—your choice! (I must add, rose gold is the .com.)
“I am loved.” How fitting for the month of June. Let these words be your anchor for courage and hope. Remember that you are loved unconditionally and more than you will ever realize. You are strong, you are brave, you are beautiful, you are loved. Wear your MantraBand as your daily affirmation. #happypridemonth
1. Follow @jenremdvm and @mantraband.
2. Like this photo.
3. Tag a friend, and comment below with your personal mantra (unlimited entries).
That’s it! Giveaway ends Sunday, 6/30 at 11:59 pm CST. The winner will be informed via DM. Good luck, babes!
This week the Dutch Pug Club has announced, with immediate effect, that the breeding of any pug with a nose less than a third of the length of the skull has been banned!
This is phenomenal news. For a breed club to take such definite action to improve the health and welfare of dogs is unprecedented and extremely brave.
I hope more follow suit.
It has actually been against the law in Holland since 2014 to breed flat faced dogs but the government have recently announced they will now be checking dogs, which has triggered this change.
This also means that other brachycephalic breeders and clubs will hopefully be making the same decision!
For links to the original story, head on over to my Facebook page.
#pugsofinstagram #breedtobreathe #puglife
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Snuggling puppies and kittens is <5% of my day job. Granted, it’s the best 5%. Vaccinating these tiny creatures is a unique challenge - fluffy, agile, and thin skinned. I poked through a few times before I figured out a technique that worked! This was a struggle I honestly never thought about until I vaccinated a table for the first time It’s just one of those things that you figure out with time!
Olá, pessoal! Eu sou um catioro , usando uma focinheira de bico de pato e me chamo Bacon ! Rsrs
#dracarolbraga #vetetao #veterinaria #veterinary #medvet #medicaveterinaria #medicinaveterinaria #medveterinaria #medveterinariabr #mvz #vetbr #vetsofinstagram #instavet #diariodeumveterinario #consultaveterinaria #atendimentoveterinario #yorkshire #ilheus #itabuna #itacare #caes #dog #boanoite
“Be a vet,” they said. “You get to play with puppies and kittens all day.”
I wholeheartedly adore my job, but the fact is, burnout is cited as one of the most commonly faced dilemmas in vet med. I truly wish all days were this Instagrammable and glamorous. In actuality, 1 in 6 veterinarians have considered suicide. NOT OKAY. Those of us in this field are likely to become stressed and overwhelmed owing to the volume and nature of the job. It often feels like the world is on our shoulders—no time to rest, eat, or use the bathroom, constantly ringing phones, very ill pets, very demanding and high-strung owners, and what seems like little appreciation and support from others. We often are forced to cancel personal life plans to care for a sick animal, thus leading to resentment of those things we once cared for so highly. The lines of work–life balance are often blurred, and the stress from the workday is often taken home with us, ultimately leading to an overtired, overworked, and seemingly unvalued vet professional.
There is no question whether depression is on the rise in vet med. Depression knows no limits, and we all must take care of ourselves and one another. The field of veterinary medicine can only be as great as the people in it.
Self-help tips for combating depression: REACH OUT. There is a tendency to isolate yourself during difficult times. Reaching out is not a sign of weakness. In fact, many of those in vet med likely have felt similarly at one point or another. You are not alone on this journey. EXERCISE FIGHTS DEPRESSION. Aim for at least 30 minutes daily, whether it’s a HIIT class, yoga, or a walk with your pup. PICK UP A NEW HOBBY, (or binge watch a new Netflix series). GET ON A SLEEP SCHEDULE. Avoid increased stimulation (TV, computer, cellphone, etc.) for at least one hour before bedtime. GET SOME SUNLIGHT. Take a brief stroll outside during a break. RELAXATION. Yoga, meditation, deep breathing, a hot bath, or a massage can be beneficial. EAT BETTER. Don’t skip meals. Aim for a snack every 3-4 hours. Minimize sugar intake to decrease a crash in mood and energy.
It’s #mentalhealthawarenessmonth, yo. ✌
Tem quem trabalhe na frente de um computador, tem quem precise lidar com papéis e as suas burocracias... nós, veterinários, temos a graça de cuidar de bolinhas peludas que fazem a diferença no nosso dia!
Esse pequenino tem somente 2 dias de vida e trouxe mais amor para o meu dia!!!!
#dracarolbraga #vetetao #veterinaria #veterinary #medvet #medicaveterinaria #medicinaveterinaria #medveterinaria #medveterinariabr #mvz #vetbr #vetsofinstagram #instavet #diariodeumveterinario #consultaveterinaria #atendimentoveterinario #chihuahua #ilheus #itabuna #itacare #caes #dog #boanoite
Escolha um trabalho que você ame e não terás que trabalhar um único dia em sua vida. #medvetporamor #medvetunig #medveterinariabr #vetsofinstagram #vetstudent #medvetlife #diariodeumveterinario #lfl #vet4/10 #veterinaria #cetravetnovaiguacu #estagio #veterinarymedicine #futurosmedvet #veterinarian #amorquenaosemede #vet #likeforlikes #selfie #followforfollowback #love #bestoftheday