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The Spirit of the Beehive (1973)
Director: Víctor Erice
A brilliant portrayal of childhood in all its shades of light and dark. Curiosity, imagination, innocence, cunning, beauty and pain, all overlapping and becoming blurred. The cinematography is sublime, helping to reflect the magical and dreamlike yet dangerous time that is youth. There is the backdrop of Franco's Spain and the cracks left by the civil war but mostly this is not explicit. From a visual perspective it is stunning, and combined with an excellent soundtrack that only adds to the poetic and dreamlike nature of the film. Though this is a much quieter, more subdued & subtle film, there are definite thematic Links between this movie and Guillermo del Toro's spectacular "Pan's Labyrinth" (and I think "Spirit of the Beehive" might have served as a critical creative inspiration.) Since both are truly superlative films deal with the concept of lost innocence in a time of intense cruelty/emotional desolation.
Movie: #ElSur / #TheSouth
Release date: 1983
Director: #VictorErice
Based on #AdelaidaGraciaMorales short novel of the same name.
Music by: #EnriqueGranados
Starring: #OmeroAntonutti #SonsolesAranguren #IciarBollain #AuroreClement
#soundtrackgram #movie#film#cinema#Spain#sevilla #Spanish#stgElSur#stg1983#stg80s#80s
Claqueta y algunas fotos del rodaje en el norte de Navarra de “Memoria de la piedra”, una Video instalación de Erice-Oteiza fotografiada por Valentín Álvarez AEC para el museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao
#cineaec #claquetasaec #victorerice #videoart #cinematography #cinematographers #shooting #rodajes #mastersoflight #filmmaker #oteiza #escultura
"The Spirit of the Beehive" (1973) dir. Victor Erice/ "The Master" (2012) dir. Paul Thomas Anderson
#film #cinema #movie #victorerice #paulthomasanderson #classics #landscape #life #history #life #values #art #artist #visual #sky #picture #director #producer #screenwriter #music #filmmaker #insta #newyork #actor #skyline #world #now #top #style #best