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Fun and Inspirational videos can grab new patients' attention like no other medium. Learn how we're helping dental practices.
For more dental video solutions visit us .
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Bagaimana hari ini anda...
Satu harapan saya, hari ini anda, saya juga kita semua harus lebih baik dari hari kemarin... Pagi ini lanjut sharing tipis2 lagi yuuuk, untuk melengkapi content dalam video marketing kita. Content ini coba saya sebut dengan COPY WRITING (SKILL NARRATION), atau kemampuan membuat sebuah tulisan / narasi dalam video marketing, agar pembeli tidak merasa kalau dia sedang diarahkan untuk membeli.
Copy writing (Skill Narration) ini saya rasa sangat penting, karena bisa menggunakan teknik copywriting (Skill Narration) sama seperti menggunakan salesman bayangan untuk menarik calon pembeli untuk membeli produk kita. Hanya saja ini salesman yang berwujud tulisan + susunan kalimat di dalam video marketing maupun iklan apapun dalam bentuk sajian tulisan.
Belajar dan mengupgrade terus teknik - tata bahasa KOMUNIKASI - PERSUASI dan ERICKSONIAN kiranya akan membuat content dan tata bahasa dalam video marketing yang kita buat akan menjadi lebih menjual.
Next belajar dan sharing tipis tipis lagi yuuuk...
Nambah ilmu...nambah wawasan...pinter satu pinter semua...asyiiiik.... . .
#laksitaid #titikkomacommunity #energizer_id #kinemaster #videokinemaster #budy_santos12 #videomarketing #videoads #videocampaigns #belajarvideo #komunitasvideo #bikinvideo #jagomedsos #jagojualan #jualanitumudah #workshopvideo #bikinplaystore #workshopplaystore #androidplaystore #komunitasplaystore #belajarplaystore
Digital Bae congratulates to all citizens of Indore for their unmatched dedication & participation in transforming #Indore and maintaining it's No. 1 position in becoming cleanest city of India, third time in a row!
@indorizayka @indoreshree .
#SwachhSurvekshan2019 #IndoreRahegaNo1 #DigitalBae #DigitalMarketing #SocialMedia #Creative #AgencyLife #VideoCampaigns #Indore #Indorian #Indori #ProudIndori #SwachhBharat #swachhbharat
Are you utilizing video in your email marketing strategy? .
#branddevelopment #brandimage #branding #brandstorytelling #brandstrategy #brandstrategist #brandstylist #visualidentity #welovebranding #businessgrowth #businessowner #contentcreation #contentmarketingtips #contentstrategy #visualcontent #photographer #spokane #spokanebusiness #pnwbusiness #cda #coeurdalene #commercialphotographer #businessphotographer #marketing #videomarketing #videocampaigns #emailmarketing #videographer
F E B R U A R I 2 0 1 9 .
#wearesubtiel #Subtiel #equipment #camera #videoproduction #videography #videoedit #videocamera #videomaking #videomaker #production #shoot #shooting #work #videoagency #video #corporatefilms #filmmaking #editing #filming #film #camera #videography #videocampaigns #socialmediavideo #working #business #FEBRUARY #recap #recapvideo
Call +97144227277 or email us today on to get a quote on your next project. we surely love what we do and keep an eye out for every minute detail to make your brand say a story. A one stop solution for all media queries. Be it still or video, model management, promoters, hostesses, Events we are here to let your thought idea come to life. #production house #stillcampaigns #videocampaigns #brandcontent #virals #fashion #shows #talentmanagement #sessionstylist #directors #dop #photographers #postproduction #promoters #hostess #activations #brandlaunch #watchthisspace #followus
Call +97144227277 or email us today on to get a quote on your next project. we surely love what we do and keep an eye out for every minute detail to make your brand say a story. A one stop solution for all media queries. Be it still or video, model management, promoters, hostesses, Events we are here to let your thought idea come to life. #production house #stillcampaigns #videocampaigns #brandcontent #virals #fashion #shows #talentmanagement #sessionstylist #directors #dop #photographers #postproduction #promoters #hostess #activations #brandlaunch #watchthisspace #followus
Call +97144227277 or email us today on to get a quote on your next video production project. #Divadubaiproductions we surely love what we do and keep an eye out for every minute detail to make your brand say a story. A one stop solution for all media queries. Be it still or video we are here to let your thought idea come to life. #production house #stillcampaigns #videocampaigns #brandcontent #virals #talentmanagement #sessionstylist #directors #dop #photographers #postproduction #watchthisspace #followus
Do you use a landing page in your sales funnel? Adding a carefully crafted message in a video can drastically improve conversion rates. Not sure how to get started? We can help (with the message, video AND funnel)!
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