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Właśnie dobiegło końca największe do tej pory czuwanie dla zwierząt w Polsce. Przez ostatnie dni wraz z innymi aktywistami byliśmy obecni pod rzeźnią Pini Polonia w Kutnie, w której codziennie jest zabijanych 16 tysięcy świń. Chcieliśmy pokazać Wam jak wyglądają ostatnie chwile życia tych zwierząt, w jakich warunkach są one transportowane oraz przede wszystkim - co myślę, że widać na zdjęciach - ich smutek oraz ból. One doskonale wiedzą co je czeka. Zwierzęta, które widzicie na zdjęciach już nie żyją. Byliśmy tam po to, by pokazać Wam prawdę.
Więcej materiałów w wyróżnionych stories.
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Lol first meme I’ve ever posted on my account. Might get removed but . ———————————
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It has been a whole year and a few months since I first started bearing witness at the @animalalliancenetwork , @laanimalsave vigil for pigs at Farmer John’s Slaughterhouse!
Here is a photo from a year ago, and a current photo taken by @micthevegan of me giving water to these thirsty baby pigs.
I have met an amazing community of activists while bearing witness, who are now my best friends and family for life. We have cried, laughed, and will continue fighting for animal liberation together.
I have witnessed and given water to countless individuals. I have seen the suffering, fear, and agony in their six month old eyes before they were taken to their unnecessary deaths.
Every time I come face to face with the victims of the neatly wrapped packages I used to purchase from supermarket shelves I wonder, “will this ever end?” Immediately after I ask myself this question I know the answer, of course it will.
I believe that in my lifetime, I will see the day that this world reaches complete animal liberation.
I have hope in my species because I know that people inherently possess compassion, benevolence, and mercy as core values.
There is a quote by Buddha that goes “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” When people gradually begin opening their eyes to the truth, they will see the suffering and destruction consuming animal products has on our environment, health and the earthlings we share our planet with.
Change is going to begin happening rapidly, just like it happened with every other social justice movement in history.
I believe that we will live in a word where peace begins on everyone’s plate. Will you help us get there?
. ✨: @micthevegan
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Probably my favorite Ying Ace so far
2x Diamond | 5x Plat
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