bodyguard vipprotection protection security selfdefense eventsecurity closeprotection training bodyguards personalprotection privatesecurity vipsecurity assetprotection armedprotection corporatesecurity excutiveprotection riskmanagement defensive martialarts safetytips securityconsulting churchsecurity combat executiveprotectionlife kravmaga securityguard bravoresearchgroup byronrodgers closecombat defesa martialart
Arkadan gerçekleşen silahlı saldırılar çok tehlikelidir. Saldırganın sizi bir yerden bir yere götürmeye çalışması tehlikenin büyüdüğünün göstergesidir. Bu durumda yapmanız gereken hayatta ve ayakta kalmak için Avi Nardia’nın Kapap Sistemi’ne ait olan bu tekniği en doğru anda uygulamaktır. Self Defence İstanbul bunun gibi binlerce tekniği size en kısa sürede öğretmek için çalışmalarını sürdürüyor.
#Selfdefenceistanbul #avinardia #kapapkravmaga #gundefence #handtohandcombat #kravmaga#police#military#defenceforces#vipprotection #turkey#istanbul #closeprotection #protection #kapapcombatives#gundisarm#antiterrorism #kapapkravmagaturkey
Celebrity protection #action
#vipprotection #celebrityprotection #france #paris #cannes #monaco #security #bodyguard #safety #protection #agency #celeb #vip #ceo #showbiz #dignitaries #families #vipservice #followus #followforfollowback #likeforlikes #instagram #parisfashionweek #mipim #canneslions #cannesfilmfestival #ipsbodyguard #tbc
Every week we have at least two sparring sessions of 8-10 rounds. This here, is the last round of yesterday session with Ran Nakash and Itay Dannenberg . Many places out there avoiding sparring because they are worried about injuries, because of lack of professionalism and plain and simple because it’s damn hard! In reality, sparring is one of the most important training tools every fighter (boxer, Krav Maga practitioner, kickboxer etc) must practice. when doing it in the right way with responsibility and professionalism sparring is a learning tool like no other. It’s one of the only ways to make a person feel the pressure of a real situation. Punch, getting punched in the face and exchanging blows should be the a.b.c of every fighting system and Krav Maga is no exception! We always say: better to have a strong and capable fighter as a student than a parrot who is just copying 1000 moves without content. Get real boys and girls.
Get real!
Rocking some different close retention shooting drills with my S&W M&P 9. That’s is something that is often neglected but we need to be ready to master this in live-threatening situations! Keep it honest and realistic! NEVER STOP TRAINING! #smith&wessoncorps #pistoltraining #9mm #guns #shooting #firearmstraining #tier1concealed #range #rangeday #guns #training #concealedcarry #edc #everydaycarry #appendixcarry #treinamento #cettasbrasil #triotactico #triodefensio #defesapressional #tactic #closererention #closeprotection #vipprotection #personenschutz #EP #PSD #protection #cpo
"A origem dos serviços de segurança privada no Brasil. ... Em 1969, por meio de um decreto do governo, deu-se início a legislação sobre segurança privada. Na ocasião, houve a determinação de que os bancos deveriam fazer a sua própriasegurança no interior de suas agências e proteger o transporte de seus valores". Aos poucos vamos conquistando nosso espaço e o devido respeito perante a sociedade .
Aos colegas um lembrete " A primeira mudança tem que ser interna".
Operator Wydziału Zabezpieczenia Działań Nadodrzańskiego Oddziału Straży Granicznej z Krosna Odrzańskiego (WZD NoOSG) w Kosovie.
Operator of the Department of Security of Activities of the Nadodrze Border Guard Branch from Krosno Odrzanskie (WZD NoOSG) in Kosovo.
#strazgraniczna #sg #borderguards #wzd #wzdnoosg
#kosovo #krosnoodrzańskie #polishspecialforces #hkg36