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If you’re not in Russia now, but also want to try traditional Russian Pancakes, you can prepare it using my recipe that I’ve had from my granny
They differ from French crepes since they are slightly thicker, but about the same in diameter and they're different from American-style pancakes since they are much thinner and wider. The typical toppings and fillings used for Russian pancakes are also quite different - you will never see pancakes with maple syrup at a Russian restaurant!
You only need a few very simple ingredients to make Russian pancakes – milk, eggs, and flour form the basis of the recipe. It’s a very simple recipe and quite difficult to mess up. There’s no reason you shouldn’t treat yourself to breakfast with these delicious pancakes.
* 500 mL (2 ¼ cups) milk
* 3 eggs
* 280g (2 cups) flour
* 1-2 tbsp. sugar
* 1 tsp. salt
* 3 tbsp. vegetable or sunflower oil
* 1-2 tbsp. butter, depending on preference
Mix everything in one bowl
Heat up your skillet and add a bit of oil to it. Pour the batter into the pan (max. 1 ladle) and quickly tilt the skillet from side to side, forming an even circle. When the sides of the pancake start to look dry and a bit golden, flip the pancake over with a thin spatula. Wait for the same length of time, or slightly less, then flip the pancake onto a large plate and spread a pat of butter on top.
Russian pancakes are often eaten with various fillings. Sweet fillings include jam, jam mixed with cottage cheese, or honey with cottage cheese, and with different types of berries: cherry , strawberries , blueberries.
Savory fillings are often things like potatoes mixed with mushrooms, stew cabbage and another vegetable or various types of fish and meat fillings. ⠀
Caviar is another popular, although fancier and more expensive, filling.
Bon appetite
What Queen’s depression may lead
What do you do when you are in a bad mood?
I can tell you what Great Empress Catherine II did!
Once being depressed and somehow to entertain herself she looked through a book with drawings of famous artists and saw amazing pictures of Vatican loggias. She wanted to have the same one in Russia and ordered to copy them.
And now, thanks to her bad mood Hermitage has this fantastic Raphael Loggias in Russia.
Revealing all secrets
Myth 1: St. Petersburg was named in honor of Peter I
Many people mistakenly believe that St. Petersburg was named after its founder - Peter I. However, the city is named after the patron saint of the first Russian emperor - the Apostle Peter.
Myth 2: The myth of the founding of St. Petersburg
"May 16, 1703 during the inspection of the island, Peter suddenly stopped and cut out two layers of sod, laid them crosswise and said," Here be the city. "At this time, there was an eagle in the air and began to soar over the king."
In fact, on Hare Island was laid not as a city but a fortress.
Myth 3: St. Petersburg was founded on an uninhabited desert area
This legend has taken root in the minds of Petrograd, which helped a lot from the lines from Pushkin's "The Bronze Horseman": "On the shore of the desert waves."
In fact, there were about forty villages in this area.
Myth 4: The Bronze Horseman is made of copper
"The Bronze Horseman" - a symbol of the city. "The Bronze Horseman - we are all in the vibration of its copper," - said Alexander Blok. However, the material of the monument is not copper, but bronze, and it got its name only after the appearance of the poem by Alexander Pushkin.
Myth 5: Kissing bridge got its name because of love
Until now, the Kisses Bridge is a place of rendezvous for lovers. So it has been a legend, for a long time.
Actually the bridge was named after the merchant Potseluev, who had a restaurant on the left bank of the river embankment. The tavern was called "The Kiss" , and therefore, the leading to the tavern bridge was called the Kissing Bridge.
Myth 6: The myth of the origin of the name "Vasilevsky Island"
On the origin of the name "Vasilevsky Island" is also a legend-delusion. It is believed that when Peter on the western tip of the island was strengthening, commanded an artillery captain Vasily Korchmin. Sending orders to him, Peter said: "To Vasily on the island" - hence, supposedly the name. But the name of the island existed before the founding of St. Petersburg.
Just like my last photo, this is another sight that you probably wouldn't expect to find in Russia. You can find this mosque in Saint Petersburg. It's one of the largest mosques in Europe and has amazing turqoise mosaic
#visitsaintpetersburg #saintpetersburg
#russia #mosque
#StPetersburg #colorful
#winter #contiki
#insidertravel #visitrussia
#turqoise #blue
⠀Я решила начать свои посты об интересных местах Санкт-Петербурга с одной из моих самых любимых станций – и это Петроградская
⠀Не стоит забывать, что именно с Петроградской стороны началось становление города Санкт-Петербург. Здесь царит своя особая атмосфера. Лично мне всегда кажется, что это и есть тот самый эпицентр творческих идей и место для поиска вдохновения. И это неспроста: особый шарм этому району города придает эклектика и легкая строгость в архитектуре. Любители поразглядывать фасады зданий меня поймут! Тем более, главная гордость района - одна из лучших в Европе застроек в стиле модерн. А еще станция богата на достопримечательности! И сегодня я с радостью поделюсь с вами своими любимыми☺️
⠀«Дом с башнями» - доходный дом К. И. Розенштейна – частичка Средневековья посреди Петербурга. Здание, построенное в стиле историзм является главным узнаваемым зданием на Петроградской. Красивые симметричные башни и декоративный циферблат со знаками зодиака всегда привлекают внимание прохожих. Сегодня это действующий театр «Русская антреприза», поэтому у Дома с башнями не только можно сделать красивые фотографии, но и провести вечер на спектакле.
⠀Колобовский дом (ул. Ленина, 8) Дом-перевёртыш, который, с одной стороны - пример парадного роскошного здания в элитной части Петербурга, а с другой - яркий представитель уличного современного искусства. Обойдите его вокруг, чтобы увидеть это своими глазами!
⠀Обязательно прогуляйтесь до Австрийской площади (одна из самых европейских площадей Северной столицы) и Музыкального сквера (здесь музыку можно не послушать, а потрогать).
⠀Не забывайте смотреть мои сторис, чтобы найти ещё больше информации и фотографий