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Lequel vous manque le plus ? Follow @rvs.clan @rvs.clan @rvs.clan
#fortnite #fortnitebattleroyale #vforvictory #codecreateur #creatorcode #fortniteleaks #fortnitegameplay #pompechasseur #pump #fortnitechasseur #vforvictory #rvsteam #fortnitebr #fortnitefrance #fortnitepro #fortniteclips #gotaga #vitality #solary #fortnitegameplay #season9 #saison9 #victoireroyal #victoryroyal #solary #imgotaga
I find it 10099900x harder to handstand when I forget a hairband... if my hair is out, and I can’t focus in the ground or my fingers, I honestly feel like I may as well be handstanding with my eyes closed! ⠀
And even worse if my hair decides to move and blow in the wind haha! This was surprisingly challenging haha⠀
Video and caption @sjanaelise⠀
#balance #yoga #sand #recreation #exercise #action_energy #freedom #motion #leisure #outdoors #vitality #active #water #barefoot #beach #one #fitness #sky #action #fun #igyogi #yogaaddicted #loveandalliscoming #yogainversions #myyogajourney #yogacommunity #yogaeverydamday #yogalicious
Following my post yesterday, it's important to note that different strategies work for different situations and people. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is about values led strategies.
So here are some questions for you to contemplate.
- what matters to you?
- what strengths can you identify in yourself?
- how do you utilise these strengths to achieve your goals?
- how would you like to grow?
- what steps can you take to start this journey?
So when you experience painful thoughts and feelings, have a look at what actions you take in that emotion. How to they help or hinder your emotional state? What can you shift to help lead you towards improving your wellbeing?
La solitudine sa essere una buona amica...
Rimani in compagnia di te stessa e troverai mille nuovi sentieri da percorrere nella tua vita
#montebaldo #montebaldolovers #donnedimontagna #hikingwomanforlife #girladventures #mountaindream #mountainlove #mountainaddicted #scenary #lifestyle #neverstopexploring #neverbackdown #trekkingitalia #wild #eyes #pioggia #tempoavverso #outdoorwoman #outdoorsports #vitality
@donnedimontagna @montebaldolovers @montura_official @mountaingirls
#Armonía, #vitalidad, #felicidad... Así son las #vacaciones en #LuxuryBahiaPrincipeSamana #AmarásSamaná
#Harmony, #vitality, #hapiness... These are #vacations in #LuxuryBahiaPrincipeSamana #YouWillLoveSamana
#TravellingAroundtheWorld #Hotels #Hotelsoftheworld #LuxuryHotelsWorld #AmarásSamaná #SamanaYourParadise #RepublicaDominicana #BahiaPrincipeHotels #BahiaPrincipe
Il vous manque ou pas #fortnite #fortnitefrance #fortnitebattleroyale #fortnitebr #fortniteworldcup #fortniteclaviersouris #fortnitetournament #fortniteshop #fortniteps4 #fortnitesaison8 #fortnitexbox #fortnitepc #fortnitemobile #vforvictory #vitality #benyx #fortniteskins #fortnitesaison9 #fortniteweapons
Non mi stancherò mai di guardare queste foto come non mi stancherò mai di ringraziarvi per la vostra presenza in un momento così speciale per me.
Soprattutto voi @bi.masini @filippi1961 che siete stati affianco a me dal inizio alla fine.
Io, come sostenete miei signori, sarò anche stata brava ma, senza voi nulla di tutto questo sarebbe stato possibile.
La mia vita è cambiata e voi vi porterò dentro per sempre.
Le cose belle della vita. ♥️
#fisicoperfetto #pazzia #determinazione #impegno #successo #influenceritalia #bloggeritalia #danceroutine #allenamento #felicità #motivazione #vidaloca #vita #vitality #danceroutine #fashionbloggers #fit #fitness #motivation #fitnessmotivation #success #fitnessmodel #fitnesslife #fitfood #fitgirl #mindset