waitforyoutour loganhenderson jakemiller bigtimerush endoftheworld losangeles carlospenavega jamesmaslow kendallschmidt pullmedeep bigtimereunion bitemytongue concert echoesofdepartureandtheendlessstreetofdreamspt2 loganbtr loganhendersoncute loganhendersonedit loganhendersonmx loganhendersonsmile loganmitchell loganphilliphenderson performance sleepwalker speakofthedevil kevinsmart photographer photography waitforyou pullmedeep
I couldn’t be happier
thank you @jakemiller for this moment, it means a lot to me! I truly appreciate it how you treat your fans, you have such a big heart! your concerts are special every single time and I wouldn’t wanna change anything about them! your words give me confidence, your messages inspire me!
also a big thank you to @poppunkbro for taking your time talking with me! you guys are totally awesome ❤️
the greatest things happen out of nowhere !
#waitforyoutour #jakemiller