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Roots blower Longtech.
Pressure package includes, blower, electric motor, basic belt guard, suction silencer, relief valve, gauge, check valve, discharge silencer and flexible joint.
Three lobes Roots Blowers are a new series of Roots type blowers. Roots blowers are positive displacement pumps that are one of the most efficient types of pumps in their performance range. Roots blowers run dry as the oil is contained in the bearing/gearbox housing and sealed from the process air.
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It is an technique for the elimination of malodorous gas emissions and of low concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
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Delivery Media Bio Filter "Honeycomb". For the best value product or equipment, please visit :
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Ancient Miltronics Ultrasonic transmitter repair (attempted). Sadly both the board and the transmitter were faulting (temperature control loop)- which is critical to level measurement with ultrasonics. Primary device (parshall flume) has had a throat modification done so we are going to drop an area velocity meter in front to correlate precise curve to this non-standard flume when installing the new ultrasonic. Anyone tell me what’s wrong with the Sampler in the last pic? First right answer gets a bag of @soulworkcoffee dropped this week. #instrumentation #remotemonitoring
#wastewatertreatmentplant #cleanenvironment
Nivelco Transmitter and Controller Installation. Today’s MVP is a tie between the stabila level and Fluke 789. Because of the nature of ultrasonic measurement, making sure that your equipment is perfectly level is absolutely critical. The mini stabila allows us to get up close and personal in a tight space such as this 2” parahall flume (but I do still carry an empire). Sadly this primary device needs replacing but for the first time since this plant was brought back on line (after remaining dormant for almost a decade) they can report flow to the EPA. Packout brought to you by the fine folks at neurobrands. One of these days we are gonna get sponsored #instrumentation #remotemonitoring
#calibration #electricalpanel #sparkylife
#wastewatertreatmentplant #cleanenvironment
The new Wastewater Treatment Plant (PTAR) in Bello, to the north of Medellín, Colombia features a beautiful rooftop garden of 714 m2. Designed and installed by @groncol. Powered by Sedum blankets of @sempergreencolombia. #techoverde #sedum #Medillin #Bello #Colombia #greenroof #rooftopgarden #greenbuilding #landscapedesign #wastewatertreatmentplant #ptar #installation #greendesign #urbangreen #sedummats #directgreen #construction #ecologicaldesign #landscape #tapetesedum #rooftopterrace