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OBRIGADO! São mais de 1.000 Linux maníacos. Espero que eu possa contribuir muito para o aprendizado de todos vocês. ❤️
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Want to fit as many servers on a pallet as possible? Try this stacking method. It looks a bit like a puzzle but it works great. Can you guess how many servers we fit on this pallet?
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Using the #esp8266 to send (brightness)#sensor data to a #webserver.
It should work with EVERYTHING you want to monitor.
As always i like to SHARE my #code with you (by email)
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Zuora is looking for a Site Reliability Engineer in Chennai, India. Do you have 3+ years of experience operating and scaling services in a distributed, internet-scale environment with proven experience working with Oracle database? If you are looking to work for an industry leader with solid brand recognition and excellent company perks, then reach out to us on NocJobs for a direct introduction.
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Zuora is looking for a Site Reliability Engineer in Chennai, India. Do you have 3+ years of experience operating and scaling services in a distributed, internet-scale environment with proven experience working with Oracle database? If you are looking to work for an industry leader with solid brand recognition and excellent company perks, then reach out to us on NocJobs for a direct introduction.
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@kingstontechnology , #leader mondiale nella produzione di #memorie e nell’offerta di soluzioni tecnologiche, annuncia oggi la sua nuova serie di #SSD Enterprise Data Center 500 _ Due i modelli: DC500R, ottimizzato per carichi di lavoro ad elevata intensità di lettura, come funzionalità di avvio, ambienti #webserver o #virtualizzazione ... e DC500M, ottimizzato per carichi di lavoro di tipo misto che includono #AI , analisi dei #bigdata , #cloudcomputing , applicazioni dei #database , #datawarehousing #machinelearning e database operativi _ La serie #DataCenter500 è disponibile nei tagli da 480GB, 960GB, 1.92TB e 3.84TB _ Per maggiori informazioni visita www.kingston.com/it
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