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I’m so excited to announce that Āether Beauty is officially part of @thefemalefoundercollective which is a network of business led by women, supporting women. Women have the power to change the world. From our purchasing decisions as consumers to the leadership and employment opportunities we offer as business owners, women are an incredible and undeniable force. Women reinvest income in their families and communities at higher rates than men. By increasing the wealth and opportunities for women-owned businesses, we can significantly impact our communities for the better. ✨ .
#femalefounders #femalefoundercollective #organicmakeup #fairtradeproducts #newveganproducts #diamondmakeup #recyclemakeup #wellnessgoals #wellnesslifestyle #zerowastemakeup #zerowastebeauty #zerowastecosmetics #recyclablecosmetics #femalefounded #femalefounder
DAY IN THE LIFE: Struggling Dieter Edition.
11pm night before: You set your alarm for 5am. You're gonna kill this workout, yasss!
5am: Alarm goes off. "Ugh. 15more min." *snooze*
5:15am: Alarm goes off again. "I'll workout later today”.
6:30am: Backup alarm goes off. Groggy. Annoyed knowing you now have to workout after work. Booo.
7am: Breakfast! Protein shake - ALL OF THE HEALTH! "I'm still gonna make today PERFECT! Gotta lose weight this week”.
9am: At work, scrolling through insta. @fitKaren4Lyf shared a gym selfie this morning. Ugh, and she has abs for DAYS. "I should have worked out this morning. That's why I don't look like her." Guilt for sleeping in.
10:54am: Already starving. But you FEEL your pants digging into your sides. You Google "How to get rid of belly fat" while wondering if you should try Weight Watchers... Stacey got SUCH good results on it.
12pm: Lunch time! STARVING. Pull your Lean Cuisine out of the fridge, inhale it in 30 seconds. Your stomach is still growling. "stay strong" you tell yourself.
12:04pm: Donuts into the break room. They're your FAVE. You cut one in half & have half. But it's SO good. And you're STARVING. You have 2.
12:10pm: Guilt kicks in. Back on Insta, checking out Karen's abs again. "Maybe I'll buy Karen's ebook.", you think. You remember the 3 other ebooks sitting in your inbox, unopened. Oops.
3:30pm: Back in the break room... 2 more donuts down. Is that girl scout cookies in the freezer?
5pm: You avoid the route past your gym on the way home. No way are you working out on a "failed" day like today - what's the point?
5:30pm: Fast food for dinner? Yeah, you're not cooking.
7pm: Snacks in front of TV to drown out the self-hate.
11pm: Your partner tries to hug you goodnight. You feel their hands on your love handles. You shudder back in embarrassment. Time to set the alarm for 5am again (because tomorrow will be DIFFERENT for SURE).
If this sounds like you... just so you know, you're not crazy.
You're just stuck.
& I want to help you get UNSTUCK.
What's the #1 thing that STOPS you from making progress in your fitness goals? Comment below & I'll help you!
Āether Beauty is proud to be part of the @1percentftp! To quote the founder “Don’t get depressed. Get angry. We’re the ones that caused every one of these problems. So, therefore, we’re the ones that have to solve it.”
#1percentfortheplanet #organicmakeup #fairtradeproducts #newveganproducts #diamondmakeup #recyclemakeup #wellnessgoals #wellnesslifestyle #zerowastemakeup #zerowastebeauty #zerowastecosmetics #recyclablecosmetics
It's that #GIVEAWAY time of the week Bursterfam! GUESS what this awesome Burst is and you could win a gift on us! HINTS + How to enter below:⠀⠀
HINT 1: This beautiful blue-green superfood is beloved among the #Bursterfam for helping with weight loss while providing incredible nourishment! It's also super popular for curbing those pesky cravings, giving brain powers⚡️ and for quick post-workout recovery and replenishment!⠀⠀
HINT 2: Watch our latest Story now to find out!⠀⠀
TO ENTER: Simply guess what Burst this is in the comments below. Remember - you can try as many times as you like, simply do so in a new comment.⠀⠀
Best of luck Bursterfam!⠀⠀
Winner announced on Friday ⠀⠀
#organicburst #giveawaycontest #behindthescenes #organicfarming #organicproducts #naturalhealing #pesticidefree #chemicalfree #sustainablefarming #organicliving #foodasmedicine #healthandwellness #wellnesslifestyle #eatwell #plantbasednutrition #plantbasedlifestyle #veganhealth #superfoods
How do YOU FEEL when you declutter your office space?
As an entrepreneur, it's easy to let your office space get cluttered and messy — the struggle is real, folks!
We have 9 ways to help you declutter your space, and make room for creativity!
1. Make your bed! (Start the day off right!)
2. Don't wait to pick up — do it right away!
3. Always put things back where they came from.
4. Make #2 & #3 a habit!
5. If you have a bigger cleaning project, schedule it!
6. Get rid of stuff you don't use!
7. Make only thoughtful purchases.
8. Focus on decluttering a little at a time when you're starting out.
9. Get help from a coach or expert!
Ah, doesn't that feel better? Now, before you go and declutter your space, tell us below how you like to keep things tidy! Oh, and also head to the link in our bio to get inspired to declutter! @wholelovelylife
• feeling like Clark Kent switching between my Civil Servant / yoga teacher identity in the loo at work. ♀️
I’m super proud of my workmates that came to my beginners course, most of whom had never done yoga before. On their first lesson they couldn’t hold a Tree Pose without toppling and now I find them casually busting out ‘Warrior III’ in the hallway by the tea point.
I was so nervous about teaching my colleagues and how it might affect their perception of me, but these little unexpected things have bought such joy!
What makes you feel like a superhero? Parents of more than one child automatically get superhero status in my book... now I challenge you to name yours!
You're busy — we totally get it! But guess what? Busy does not = unhealthy eating!
Here are 6 simple ways to ensure you eat healthy even during the busiest of weeks!
1. Set yourself up for success by making changes slowly and patting yourself on the back when you do a good job!
2. Remember balance and moderation in all you do!
3. Fill up on the rainbow! (And we're not talking about the artificially colored rainbow here!)
4. Eat healthy carbs!
5. Enjoy healthy fats!
6. Mix up your protein!
But honestly, if you really want to break down these six simple steps, head to the link in our bio to read all the details to set yourself up for insane success! Okay, you can go back to being busy now! At least you have healthy eating under control! Tell us in the comments your favorite healthy eating hack! @duggarwellness
There is nothing like a good Whole Foods haul! I am one of those weirdos we loves to grocery shop. One of my newest essentials that I love when I need some coffee in my life is @lacolombecoffee draft latte. The one I love is dairy free and made with frothed coconut milk. I use these as a special treat when I need an extra boost for the day! Couple other favs are @malkorganics almond milk and @liveowyn protein shakes. What are your WF essentials!?
#alexcurtiswellness #sponsored #draftsinstock #draftlattehaul #draftlatte