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Hashtags for theme #WENDLER531

#squat #tgsquat 07/30 . 원래 candito6week 돌릴려다가 그냥 야들러로 존버하기로 했습니다... . 여러가지 이유가 있는데 일단 candito 루틴이 별로 재미가 없어 보인게 컸구요. 야들러는 제 입맛에 맞게 운동루틴을 수정하기가 좀더 쉽고 야들러에 조커셋이 있는게 더 재밌어서요... 그리고 제가 선수도 아닌지라 근비대+스트렝스 둘다 잡으면서 하고 싶어서. 야들러가 일반인에게 아주 적합한 루틴인듯 싶습니다 . 암튼 야들러 루틴 수정해서 돌릴기로 결정! . 근데 저번주말에 축구해서 그런지 오늘은 컨디션이 완죤 꽝이어서 조커셋 버리고 PR셋도 최소로 . W1D1 Squat Pr set: 105 kg x 5 . Deadlift 140 kg x 5 (2set) . Bench 52.5 kg x 8 (5set)

Hashtags for theme #WENDLER531

180lbs for 10 reps today. Climbing the strength ladder ✊

Hashtags for theme #WENDLER531

Switching these next three weeks into 3/5/1 vs the traditional 5/3/1 in order to not feel so fatigued on my 1+ sets. Also going to set caps of 8 reps on 3+, 10 on 5+, and TBD on 1+. (Might do caps every other cycle and a full send AMRAP the other ones). Here is 435x8 (3+ week) on the @strongarmsport squat bar in the 90+ degree heat. Dealt beat up today, but hoping the lighter loads next week pays off! #bardontlie #squats #powerlifting #homegym #wendler531

Hashtags for theme #WENDLER531

SNEAK PEAK: Stopped by London High School on the way into the office today to watch Coach @jimwendler put the kids through work and to see the @elitefts PR Rated Equipment being used and abused the way it’s built to be. ⁣ ⁣ Seen here is a sample of Jim’s accessory work that was completed after the main exercise of the day. ⁣ ⁣ With warm up and training, the kids were in the weight room for 60 minutes before they hit the field, and they put the WORK in! ⁣ ⁣_ #elitefts #strengthcoach #strengthandconditioning #football #wendler531

Hashtags for theme #WENDLER531

“Sets of 10 are so awesome” -No one ever. Throw Your Back Out Thursday! #TBT #bardontlie #powerlifting #wendler531 #homegym

Hashtags for theme #WENDLER531

LEG DAY GROOVES! - A hella leg workout on a fine Thursday morning. - I stick to performing 3 sets of each movement and depending on the weight, the rep range varies from 6-10. - Except on squats and the other 2 BIG lifts where the rep range depends on what my program requires. I have been following Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program for a while now and it’s working great for me! - Full Workout: - 1. Squats (Heavy sets according to Program) 2. Front Squats (I lowered the weight and focused of getting more reps in) 3. Leg Press (Moderately heavy weight to get 8-10 reps - no failure) 4. Stiff Leg Deadlifts (Heavy weight and got 8-10 reps) 5. Hip Thrusts (Moderately heavy weight and got 6-8 reps) 6. Calf Raises - COMMENT BELOW YOUR FAVORITE MOVEMENT ON YOUR LEG DAY! - Have a great day! Sending loads of LOVE and HAPPINESS your way ❤️

Hashtags for theme #WENDLER531

OHP 57.5kg × 3 - 예전에 비해 올리는 힘이 균일하고 몸이 잘 흔들리지 않는다. 계속 밖으로 나가려는 팔꿈치를 잡아두기 어려웠다. 그래도 뭐라도 늘고있어서 다행이닷. 내일은 민수타이거와 함께하는 스쾃데이 - #OHP #overheadpress #powerlifting #wendler531 #workout #WOD #shoulderpress #militarypress #powerlifting #weightlifting #어깨운동 #밀리터리프레스 #숄더프레스 #오버헤드프레스 #웬들러 #스트렝스 #파워리프팅 #헬스타그램 #일대일레슨 #개꿀

Hashtags for theme #WENDLER531

Squatting 2x, benching 3x, and deadlifting 1x per week has always gotten me the strongest - especially nearing competition. What works best for you? . . ➕Follow my Powerlifting/Ironman training: @chadnasci ✔️ Drop a comment below if you take a different approach to frequency . . . . #powerlifting #strongfirst #stronglifts5x5 #5x5stronglifts #wendler531 #strengthandconditioningcoach #performbetter #powerliftinglife #powerbuilding #powerlifter #squatbenchdeadlift #trainhard #strengthtraining #strengthprogram #strongfit #usapl #rawpowerlifting #sbd #rehband #bulgariansplitsquats #benchpress #deadlifts #deadliftday #getbig #getstrong #trainingday

Hashtags for theme #WENDLER531

Felt fatigued going into this session, but still managed 10 on the top set of deads at 425. These plus sets have really been a test of will, but they make the back off 3x5 and accessory 5x10 squat sets feel easy. #bardontlie #wendler531 #powerlifting #deadlift

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