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#squat #tgsquat 07/30
원래 candito6week 돌릴려다가 그냥 야들러로 존버하기로 했습니다... .
여러가지 이유가 있는데 일단 candito 루틴이 별로 재미가 없어 보인게 컸구요.
야들러는 제 입맛에 맞게 운동루틴을 수정하기가 좀더 쉽고 야들러에 조커셋이 있는게 더 재밌어서요... 그리고 제가 선수도 아닌지라 근비대+스트렝스 둘다 잡으면서 하고 싶어서. 야들러가 일반인에게 아주 적합한 루틴인듯 싶습니다
암튼 야들러 루틴 수정해서 돌릴기로 결정!
근데 저번주말에 축구해서 그런지 오늘은 컨디션이 완죤 꽝이어서 조커셋 버리고 PR셋도 최소로
Pr set: 105 kg x 5 .
140 kg x 5 (2set)
52.5 kg x 8 (5set)
Switching these next three weeks into 3/5/1 vs the traditional 5/3/1 in order to not feel so fatigued on my 1+ sets. Also going to set caps of 8 reps on 3+, 10 on 5+, and TBD on 1+. (Might do caps every other cycle and a full send AMRAP the other ones). Here is 435x8 (3+ week) on the @strongarmsport squat bar in the 90+ degree heat. Dealt beat up today, but hoping the lighter loads next week pays off! #bardontlie #squats #powerlifting #homegym #wendler531
SNEAK PEAK: Stopped by London High School on the way into the office today to watch Coach @jimwendler put the kids through work and to see the @elitefts PR Rated Equipment being used and abused the way it’s built to be.
Seen here is a sample of Jim’s accessory work that was completed after the main exercise of the day.
With warm up and training, the kids were in the weight room for 60 minutes before they hit the field, and they put the WORK in!
#elitefts #strengthcoach #strengthandconditioning #football #wendler531
A hella leg workout on a fine Thursday morning.
I stick to performing 3 sets of each movement and depending on the weight, the rep range varies from 6-10.
Except on squats and the other 2 BIG lifts where the rep range depends on what my program requires.
I have been following Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program for a while now and it’s working great for me!
Full Workout:
1. Squats (Heavy sets according to Program)
2. Front Squats (I lowered the weight and focused of getting more reps in)
3. Leg Press (Moderately heavy weight to get 8-10 reps - no failure)
4. Stiff Leg Deadlifts (Heavy weight and got 8-10 reps)
5. Hip Thrusts (Moderately heavy weight and got 6-8 reps)
6. Calf Raises
Have a great day! Sending loads of LOVE and HAPPINESS your way ❤️
OHP 57.5kg × 3
예전에 비해 올리는 힘이 균일하고 몸이 잘 흔들리지 않는다. 계속 밖으로 나가려는 팔꿈치를 잡아두기 어려웠다. 그래도 뭐라도 늘고있어서 다행이닷. 내일은 민수타이거와 함께하는 스쾃데이
#OHP #overheadpress #powerlifting #wendler531 #workout #WOD #shoulderpress #militarypress #powerlifting #weightlifting #어깨운동 #밀리터리프레스 #숄더프레스 #오버헤드프레스 #웬들러 #스트렝스 #파워리프팅 #헬스타그램 #일대일레슨 #개꿀
Squatting 2x, benching 3x, and deadlifting 1x per week has always gotten me the strongest - especially nearing competition. What works best for you?
➕Follow my Powerlifting/Ironman training: @chadnasci
✔️ Drop a comment below if you take a different approach to frequency
#powerlifting #strongfirst #stronglifts5x5 #5x5stronglifts #wendler531 #strengthandconditioningcoach #performbetter #powerliftinglife #powerbuilding #powerlifter #squatbenchdeadlift #trainhard #strengthtraining #strengthprogram #strongfit #usapl #rawpowerlifting #sbd #rehband #bulgariansplitsquats #benchpress #deadlifts #deadliftday #getbig #getstrong #trainingday