wewarready inspirational inspireothers beast baldnbeardedone familyfirst weallwegot weallweneed gymismytherapy allnaturalgains warrior istayworking allbizness fitness19gardena warbeast wehungry bodybuilding excercise moneynmuscle share greatnesswithinus energy itsanewera weworking fucexcuses selflove warbeast85 beastmodeinme chestday fullbodyworkout itsanewera
This mf over 100 miles away already messing everything up Miami Beach under water, if anybody by the water be extra careful stay indoors, us by South Florida almost through the worst part next few hours...10'-15' foot storm surge hitting the coast 100mph winds ☝ #hurricaneirma #fuckshit #305 #dadecounty #broward #southflorida #atleastitsnotacat5 #couldbeawholelotworse #byefelicia #fuckthebullshit #irmaGottaEVACULATEtheFuckOuttaHereAlready #donkplanet ☔