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Hashtags for theme #WFDY

The 10th congress of the Collectives of the Young Communists (CJC) of Spain is taking place between 01-03 of March, in Madrid, under the slogan “One Organisation To Make The Word #Revolution Sound In Present” #WFDY participates with its General Secretary, Yusdaquy Larduet Lopez who addressed a greeting message to the congress. We wish to our comrades that their #congress will leave them even stronger for the #struggles of the future! #CJC

Hashtags for theme #WFDY

WFDY about the International Women's Day The World Federation of Democratic Youth salutes, on the occasion of the 8th of March, the International Women’s Day, all the young and working women who are living under the double exploitation of their gender and social class. The 8th of March is celebrated as the International Women’s day to honour the sacrifices of the heroic women of the textile industries of New York that stood up and fought for their rights in the year of 1857. Today, 162 years after, the women in the world are still facing inequality in a lot of occasions and on the same time they are also facing the inhumanity of the capitalist system in all of its forms. The idea that the women are something less than men, is still very much in use and specially in practice. The imperialist domination is marking the life of women in most countries by discrimination in the access to rights. #Imperialism uses the female condition to increase the #exploitation of young #women, punishing them for maternity, with low salaries, long working periods and short periods of time-off in case of giving birth to a child. Such discrimination, statically confirmed, is indeed a tool of imperialism to deepen the exploitation of the people as whole, exploiting women and blackmailing men, in order to keep its domination over people, keeping also the world as place of tremendous inequalities, starvation, exploitation and war. In this sense, WFDY is sure that only by overthrowing imperialism is possible to overthrow the discrimination faced by women in the imperialist ruled world of nowadays. #WFDY calls upon all its member and friend organizations to make the March 8th, a day where the celebration of the International Women’s Day is made in the streets, demonstrating against the imperialist policies and its puppets around the world, for young people, women and #workers’ #rights, as we are sure that the organized struggle is the only way to victory.

Hashtags for theme #WFDY

UJC NA VENEZUELA: ENCONTRO CONSELHO GERAL DA FMJD Começando a reunião do Conselho Geral da FMJD em Caracas! Pelo socialismo e pela paz mundial! #anticapitalista #antiimperialista Acompanhe por aqui! #FMJD #WFDY #UJCBRASIL

Hashtags for theme #WFDY

It’s been 74 years since Red Army set Auschwitz-Birkenau free from the Nazis. The 27th of January is commemorated as the International day of Memory of the Victims of the #Holocaust, to remind us the bestiality of fascism. It is estimated that about 6 million people – Jews, communists, homosexuals or black – were led to death, forced labor and tough torture in Auschwitz. It is also a day to remember and understand that fascism is not another viewpoint, which has the right to join democratic elections, but the ideology who have killed everyone who was different, everyone who didn’t fit their sick, paranoiac requirements. And this is what fascism will do again and again if we allow it. Nowadays, when neo-nazis try to re-emerge in power, just the way Hitler managed to climb to the presidency, it is more important than ever to resist. #WFDY calls on all the democratic, progressive and peace-loving #youth, to always remember what #fascism really is and to join us in the anti-fascist struggle, for a world without racism, hate and exploitation. #peace #antifascism #antiimperialism @wfdy.1945

Hashtags for theme #WFDY

WFDY about the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination The 21st of March is marked by the United Nations as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. As the General Assembly of the United Nations, correctly underlines “any doctrine of racial superiority is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous and must be rejected, together with theories that attempt to determine the existence of separate human races.” For #WFDY, the phenomenon of racial discrimination is nothing more than another extension of the many effects of #imperialism in today’s societies. Nowadays, as it is also recognized by a document of the UN, this phenomenon is expressed with “various racist extremist movements based on ideologies that seek to promote populist, nationalist, right-wing agendas and racial superiority, fuelling #racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance” One of the most dangerous and unhuman extents of this phenomenon is the revival of Nazism through the many fascist and neonist organisations around the world. WFDY, as a true child of the victory of the peoples against #fascism, shall rise, bring together all the progressive youth of the world and fight against this monstrosity with unity, #solidarity and #internationalism. We state ready and militant! Defenders of #peace and #friendship!

Hashtags for theme #WFDY

9 апреля 2019 года в Каракасе открылось очередное заседание Генерального Совета Всемирной федерации демократической молодёжи. ЛКСМ РФ на заседании представляет секретарь ЦК ЛКСМ РФ Роман Кононенко @kommie1 . Принимают заседание Генерального Совета две членские организаций ВФДМ - Коммунистическая молодёжь Венесуэлы и Молодёжь Единой социалистической партии Венесуэлы. В повестке дня заседания утверждение политической резолюции, в процессе обсуждения которой коммунистические, прогрессивные, левые молодёжные организации мира выработают общие подходы в организации солидарных действий по противостоянию очередному витку эскалации империалистической агрессии, разворачивающемуся в мире. Также на заседании Генерального Совета будут подведены итоги «организационной кампании», старт которой был дан в мае минувшего года на заседании Генсовета ВФДМ в Непале. В рамках этой кампании руководством ВФДМ была проведена значительная работа по упорядочению списочного состава членских организаций и оптимизации структуры доходов и расходов федерации. Завершится работа Генсовета утверждением решений региональных комиссий ВФДМ, которые рассматривают заявки молодёжных организаций на вступление в федерацию. Напомним, в настоящий момент среди других рассматривается заявка на вступление в ВФДМ нашей братской организации – Лиги коммунистической молодёжи Беларуси, которая является молодёжной организацией Коммунистической партии Беларуси. На протяжении всего заявочного процесса ЛКСМ РФ поддерживал заявку белорусских товарищей.

Hashtags for theme #WFDY

The 24th of March of this year marks the 20th anniversary since the beginning of the bombings of #Yugoslavia. The air strikes lasted from March to June of 1999 and spread death and destruction in the county. The results of this humanitarian intervention of #NATO are still visible. WFDY even during the bombings was present and expressed in practice the solidarity of the antiimperialist youth movement. The leadership of the federation back then, together with many of our member organisations, were present in #Belgrade condemning the crime that was happening there. This year, on the 20th anniversary since the #bombings, between 21-24 of March, our friends from the World Peace Council, together with several local organisations, held an international conference in Belgrade. #WFDY was once again present! Next to the people of #Serbia and all the peoples of the world, against the crimes of #imperialism!

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UJC NA VENEZUELA: Secretário Político da UJC Gabriel Lazzari fala sobre a participação no Conselho Geral da FMJD. Confere aí o vídeo e acompanha a juventude comunista em Caracas! #fmjd #wfdy #UJCBRASIL #gcmeeting

Hashtags for theme #WFDY

SOLIDARIEDADE INTERNACIONAL | O Comitê Gaúcho em Solidariedade ao Povo Venezuelano realizou ato hoje pela manhã na Esquina Democrática, em Porto Alegre. A UJC convoca todos os setores da juventude a construir uma ampla unidade em defesa da soberania latino-americana sob a bandeira da FMJD @wfdy.1945 . Contra a intervenção imperialista na Venezuela‼️ #wfdy

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