wfgvaughan nofamilyleftbehind entrepreneurlife financialfreedom financialliteracy therealwfg toronto neweravaughan wfgfamily entrepreneur knowledgeispower personaldevelopment positivevibes takecharge business businesslife businesswoman dreamaandgoals feedyourmind finances101 financialconcepts hubbywifeteam lovemyfamily money moneysaavy mykidsmywhy nopainnogain resprdsptfsa teamtitans
And so there are days like today that fill the heart and replenish the soul. ❤️
Today my partner @kim.lowrie and I spent the morning at the Canadian Council for Rehabilitation and Work and their program participants for Youth the Future.
These are young adults with disabilities that are being coached on entering the workforce. Some of them just started their first jobs and others are going through interviews. All of them are going to experience their first paycheck pretty soon.
So we were there today to give them some Money Management tips and help them understand how to build a Financial Foundation. .
We had a blast. I’m still overwhelmed with the conversations we had. REAL TALK. They knew we weren’t there to lecture, we were there to help them make the most out of their earning experience. ❤️
It’s not always about the money. Sometimes it’s about putting into the universe a message that you are here to help others and doing your little part at making the world better.
Here’s the kicker ... these young adults were EAGER to learn about money, where to save/invest, how to budget, stay away from debt, and use vehicles like insurance to protect their future. And as we ended the session I caught a glimpse of the notes one of the young women, Brooke, had made. And that last picture ladies and gentlemen is my WHY. Everyone deserves access to financial literacy, it shouldn’t be reserved for the wealthy few.
So humbled. I love what I do. .
#financialliteracy #youththefuture #canadiancouncilforrehabilitationandwork #ilovewhatido #iamwfg #wfgopportunity #financialeducation #moneymanagement #torontomoms #entrepreneur #mompreneursofto #bossbabe #nofamilyleftbehind #savingmoney #investing #insurance #debtmanagement #youthwithdisabilities #maxout #wfgvaughan
The Halton Real Estate Investment Club's Grand Opening was nothing short of a smashing success! Much thanks and appreciation goes out to those guests whom attended and donated to the Halton Food4Kids Food Drive. #hreic #haltonrealestate #realestateinvesting #realestate101 #miltonrealtor #gtarealtor #wfgvaughan #wfgfamily #remaxontario #haltonfood4kids #realtorlife #higashihomes #alwaysinyourcorner
“In business for yourself but not by yourself”
Where else can we have access to a top-notch, prestigious establishment on a Saturday for a full day of mind-blowing training?!
I love the partnerships we have at #wfgVaughan
I’m also super proud of hubby on rocking his presentation this morning and reminding us why we do what we do
There’s no doubt that storms will eventually come in our lives - how big is our boat?
#mindset #extremeOwnership #mentalToughness #business #entrepreneur #entrepreneurLife #training #practice #vision #success #successMindset #bossBabe #workHardPlayHard #persistence #commitment #consistency #weAreResponsibleForEverythingThatHappensToUs #discipline #mentorship #leadership #saturday #saturdaySpecial #saturdayVibes #saturdayMornings #powerCouple #sayNoToBeingBroke
Outstanding event!!! Absolute gratitude to @robertshamoun @coachjohnwang @danakong @cakongsum #associationsmatter #wfglifestyle #wfg
Outstanding messages from @peymang @rohit18mehta @saeid_rizi #powerhouses #wfgleadership #thereismore #DDR #monthinmonthout #champions #yearofexpansion2019 #wfgvaughan
Who cares about bad weather?! We’re CANADIAN!! And I’m still VIBING off amazing weekend!! #wfg #wfglifestyle #wfgleadership #wfgvaughan #gratitude #friendship #wegetto #stillhere #neverleft #empowered #inspired #motivated #thereismore #partnership #entrepreneur #powerofpartnership #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurship
Couldnt be possible without helpful hands... @bestillhealing_jess and oc!
Work hard hard!
Team Titans...missing some mates...But soon we'll reunite...when the time is 2018prepping....
#WFGVAUGHAN #wfgespañol #teambuilding #wfgvegasbound2018 #hispanosunidos #ilovewhatido #savings #debt #financialliteracy #entrepreneur #positivemindset #personalgrowth #moneysavvy #financialfreedom #therealwfg #nofamilyleftbehind #finance101 #bowlingandbeers #disability #kidsbenefits #RESP #governmentBenefits #financialSecurity #financialconcepts #dreams @leocoronel_t2. @jenniferkristincoronel. @mejia2391. @riysefashions. @dannyjaycarlos @jpirhonen @tarryndhana @j.crvjl @tionatatham
Oh Yes! It is going to happen!
If you are interested in going please DM me so I can put you on guest list or contact @leocoronel_t2
What have you got to lose?
Nothing! While you have a drink, listen to our speakers... @cristiniathletics @hoc.nhan and more. *
#financialconcepts #finances101 #financialfreedom #therealwfg #wfgvaughan @wfgvaughan #savingmoney #debtfree #moneytalks #knowledgeispower #empoweryourself #empoweryourmind #toronto #networks #dreamsandgoals #theStruggleIsReal #lifeinsurance