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Tentang: Perubahan Jam Kerja
Dulu waktu masih single, waktu bekerja dibatasi cuma antara jam 9 sampai jam 5.
Bangun tidur, mandi, siap-siap, sarapan di kantor, kerja, makan, lalu tidur. Weekend leyeh-leyeh all day long~
Setelah menikah?
Setiap saat adalah jam kerja
Bangun tidur, beresin tempat tidur, siapin buah/teh, siapin sarapan, mandi, sarapan, cuci piring, siapin bahan buat makan malam, siap-siap kerja, kerja, masak makan malam, makan malam, cuci piring, sedikit hiburan, lalu tidur. Weekend diisi beberes rumah, belanja, dan bikin plan menu masakan seminggu kedepan.
Dan ini masih di luar menghitung anggaran, jadwal cuci, atau bahkan hepi-hepi. -
Sudah siap menikah?
love isn’t always easy, it’s sacrifice, it’s compromise, it’s “we” not a him or a me, it’s making time for one another, it’s helping one another out without them having to ask, it’s the little things, it’s persistent communication, it’s building a foundation. we didn’t just get to the place we are today without many mistakes, trials and lessons. we deserve our strong love, we work hard and will continue to work for this love and foundation that we have right now because we are so completely worth it.
point: you work hard for love with the one you love and the one who loves you will work hard too. ♡