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idk what he was thinking LMAO ♀️
-edit:(i didn’t know the credits sorry but the person who made this is @jennettenakhlah )
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Duchess Of Cambridge wedding dress and veil
#katemiddleton #duchessofcambridge #duchess #duchesskate #duchesscatherine #catherinemiddleton #dukeandduchessofcambridge #willandkate #williamandkate #dukeofcambridge #dukeandduchess #thecambridgefamily #william #princelouis #louis #princelouisarthurcharles #princelouisofcambridge
Hey everyone as it is The Duke and Duchess Of Cambridge’s Wedding anniversary I’ve decided to post for 2 days of William and Catherine’s wedding pictures! Enjoy
#katemiddleton #duchessofcambridge #duchess #duchesskate #duchesscatherine #catherinemiddleton #dukeandduchessofcambridge #willandkate #williamandkate #dukeofcambridge #dukeandduchess #thecambridgefamily #william #princelouis #louis #princelouisarthurcharles #princelouisofcambridge
William James Wikipedia: Help us link the real world to the internet ️ using QR codes.
This QR code is a link ️ to wikipedia about William James.
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I loved her hair
#katemiddleton #duchessofcambridge #duchess #duchesskate #duchesscatherine #catherinemiddleton #dukeandduchessofcambridge #willandkate #williamandkate #dukeofcambridge #dukeandduchess #thecambridgefamily #william #princelouis #louis #princelouisarthurcharles #princelouisofcambridge