winnerschapelnigeria frankrichboy gospel gospelmusic gospelsingers naijapraise nigeriagospel nigeriagospelmusic nigeriapraise praiser sinach winnerschapel unusualpraise2018 akpororo coza daystar gossipmillnaija houseontherock instablognaija internationalharvester lfcyouthsworldwide winnerschapelyouth chop2019 dominon2019 livingfaith women davido ihavedominion jesusislord livingfaithchurch americagottalent
Bishop Thomas Aremu is inviting you for our 'Enough is Enough' service tomorrow, Sunday, 28th April 2019. The services are going to be Power and Word filled. You sure don't want to miss them.
Have a lovely Saturday and see you in service tomorrow.
#winnerschapel #ibadan
21 days is here already!!! Wow thank you Jesus for the grace you made available for me to wait on you successfully. This 21 days was just like 2 days, thank you God.
I got more beautiful, I got transference of grace, access to divine wisdom and deeper love for God and his kingdom. I am dominating in every area of my life!!! #lfcdlineportharcourt #winnerschapelnigeria
Hey fam, get excited because tomorrow @winnerschapelatlanta is our noiseless breakthrough banquet service, now don’t come alone, bring a soul. Service is from 9am - 11am.
#seeyouonsunday #lfcyouthsworldwide #winnerschapel #winnerschapelnigeria #winnerschapelyouth #dominon2019 #JesusisLord #livingfaith
If you see me dance ...I dance a winner happy first Sunday in the April its shall be our month of divine elevation in all ramification in Jesus name# @frankrichboy timgodfreyworld@dunsinoyekan #gospel #gospelmusic #gospelsingers #nigeriagospel #nigeriagospelmusic @therealsinach #sinach #praiser #naijapraise #nigeriapraise #internationalharvester #akpororo #houseontherock #coza #daystar #winnerschapelnigeria #unusualpraise2018#instablognaija#gossipmillnaija#frankrichboy