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Powerful house party with Win with Warren - Brooklyn! The more people learn about @elizabethwarren, her policies, her honesty, her kindness and her extraordinary intelligence, the more they support her! If you don’t know about #ElizabethWarren yet, check her out. She’s the real deal to help this country.
#WinWithWarren #WinWithWarrenBrooklyn #Brooklyn #NYC #2020
In light of the atrocious #alabama #abortionban: a reminder that ya girl has an IMPECCABLE voting record on reproductive rights. And that we need a leader committed to bodily autonomy STAT. ✨ #abortionishealthcare #noabortionbans #abortionrights #bodilyautonomy #warren2020 #elizabethwarren2020 #elizabethwarren #allinforwarren #winwithwarren