wonderscience physics astrophysics beautifuluniverse science universe astroscience highenergyphysics physicist physicslover quantummechanics quantumphysics sciencelover scientist stringtheory blackholes theoraticalphysics nature theoryofeverything amazingfacts mathematics alberteinstein physic rihanna philosopher philosophy astronomy maths einstein physicsonly микроблейдингбровейалма
Beating the morning rush. Follow @fetspaceblog
This is a local train in Mumbai most likely on the Western line.
Platforms are often 600-1000 meters long. The trains usually come to a grinding halt about 300-500 meters into the station.
The problem here is that Mumbai has way to many people and this is a train that is in all likelihood playing during the rush hours, either in the morning or the evening. During this time slots, all platforms across all stations become hell, and these daredevil dudes are just daily commuters who have aced the whole climb over multiple attempts just so that they can find a place to sit for the next hour.
Via @sciencesetfree
Area of sphere
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Blackhole size comparison Follow @spacersofficial
Unlike Stars, black holes barely lose mass, this allows them to continually build up in size, this one is 40 billion solar masses Give this Black Hope a BETTER NAME
#physics #physicslover #physicsonly #science#sciencelover #philosophy #philosopher #scientist#astronomy #astrophysics #universe#beautifuluniverse #space #physicist#theoryofeverything #stringtheory #astroscience#quantumphysics #quantummechanics #universe #spacex #theoraticalphysics #highenergyphysics #alberteinstein #wonderscience #amazingfacts#blackholes #elon #einstein
Quantum levitation is a process where scientists use the properties of quantum physics to
levitate an object. Specifically, a superconductor over
a magnetic source ✨
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#physics #physicslover #physicsonly #science #sciencelover #philosophy #philosopher #scientist #astronomy #astrophysics #universe #beautifuluniverse #rihanna #physicist #theoryofeverything #stringtheory #astroscience #quantumphysics #quantum mechanics #physic #maths #theoraticalphysics #highenergyphysics #alberteinstein #wonderscience #amazingfacts #blackholes #nature #einstein
Area of circle
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#physics #physicslover #physicsonly #science #sciencelover #philosophy #philosopher #scientist #astronomy #astrophysics #universe #beautifuluniverse #rihanna #physicist #theoryofeverything #stringtheory #astroscience #quantumphysics #quantum mechanics #physic #maths #theoraticalphysics #highenergyphysics #alberteinstein #wonderscience #amazingfacts #blackholes #nature #einstein