woodbuffalo fortmcmurray rmwb fortmac ishopymm alberta ckbbeautique ymmfashion projectclothing vocalaboutlocal yegfashion ymmlocal yqufashion yycfashion ymmarts ymmbeauty canada fashion medicalspa ymmdance canadaday nailboss sheboss bettertogether botox cosmeticclinic themac
Get your Mother's Day cards at @welcome2project!
Chasing Darkness - just a few of the timelapse clips that @photojbartlett and I shot as we traveled to each of the six Dark Sky Preserves in Alberta. If you haven't seen episode 1 yet, be sure to check the link in my profile! Episode 2 goes live tomorrow!
Sony A7RII - @sigmaphoto 14mm f1.8 ART | 50mm f1.4 ART
#explorealberta #explorecanada #jaspernationalpark #myjasper #goatsandglaciers #chasingdarkness #doneonadell #dellxps #sigmaart #nightscaper #nightphotography #wheninrhone #adventureworthy #timelapse #nightskytimelapse #natgeo #cypresshills #watertonlakesnationalpark #woodbuffalonationalpark #woodbuffalo
Was für ein Ausblick....
Der Wood Buffalo National Park ist nicht nur der größte Kanadas, sondern auch einer der größten der Welt.
Im Nordosten der Provinz Alberta könnt ihr euch von der Natur verzaubern lassen.
Wunderschöne Seen, Sümpfe, Salztonebenen oder Salzwüsten sind nur einige Beispiele dafür, was es hier alles zu erkunden gibt!
#explorealberta #travelalberta #hellobc #crdinternational #explorecanada #themenwoche #urlaubsguru #beautifuldestinations #beautifulnature #wanderlust #woodbuffalo @travelalberta @crd.international
Just messing around with some burnt forest photos. It's always a fun game to see which posts will cause an increase in followers or a decrease. So if you don't like it....Well that's cool.
This is from the forest fire in Fort McMurray. I like the hoar frost on the brush at the bottom of this photo. I know, I know that's a real deep thought about this photo. I'm a caveman what can I say. I can just imagine answering pretentious questions about this photo.
Pretentious person - "Can you please elaborate on the context of this photo and the obvious social commentary it convey?".
Me - "Uuhhh I like stuff. Frozen plants look neat."
#canada #travelalberta #sharecangeo #nikon_canada #withmytamron #explorecanada #imagesofcanada #ipulledoverforthis #alberta #woodbuffalo #fortmcmurray #folkscenery #folkmoody #moodygrams #moods_in_frame #sombresociety #sombrexplore #sombresociety #pr0ject_uno #everything_imaginable #unlimitedcanada #earth_shotz #marvelouz_world #rsa_outdoors #rsa_rural
The older I get the more I feel like I'm at a speed dating event with each calendar year. Just as I get to know them the year is over. 2018 was like a date that made a good first impression so you ignore some strong signs and looking back you wonder how you missed them. You think back and realize they made slightly racist statements, they like mumble rap or cilantro? You know, the signs that they are terrible. See ya 2018, not too sad to see you go. Let's see what you've got 2019!
I made a last minute decision to go home for Christmas. It's funny how having a young nephew will do that. I've been back home more in the past couple years than the previous 15 combined I think. No real reason other than I used to hate my hometown. I don't despise it like I used to. It's changed a lot.
There was a ton of hoar frost this Christmas (HOAR frost! The best kind of frost, am I right?! Sorry, couldn't resist the terrible joke). So I ran out and tried to snap a few pics. You can see that these trees are all burnt, like most of the trees around Fort McMurray these days. It's strange to see all this burnt forest and now all the deadfall that is accumulating as well. It really is difficult to take in just how bad that fire was. Considering all the things that have been happening there it seems to be doing pretty well these days. .
#alberta #ymm #woodbuffalo #fortmcmurray #travelalberta #explorecanada #imagesofcanada #ipulledoverforthis #canada #everything_imaginable #withmytamron #madewithmefoto #sombrescapes #sombresociety #moodygrams #moods_in_frame #folkscenery #earthofficial #earth_shotz #outdoorphotomag #globalcapture #mthrworld #folkmoody