List of the most popular hashtags for theme #WORLDDAYFORLABORATORYANIMALS

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[INDAGINE SHOCK] Nel 40esimo anniversario della Giornata Mondiale per gli Animali nei Laboratori diffondiamo un’esclusiva indagine girata sotto copertura all’interno di un’importante università italiana. Macachi chiusi in piccole gabbie spoglie e con elettrodi impiantati in testa e nelle tempie, portati a movimenti stereotipati dalla vita in reclusione, imprigionati in gabbie di contenzione per essere sottoposti a esperimenti di neuroscienze. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ «Il cibo è l’unica loro felicità, una felicità a piccoli dosi: serve per farle “collaborare” mi dicono. Alcune scimmie non bevono da quasi una settimana; quando apro il rubinetto cercano di attirare la mia attenzione, agitano le sbarre, gridano, con la bocca fanno il gesto di quando bevono dal beverino; hanno sete, molta.» – D. operatore che ha filmato il video. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Questo accade ancora oggi nelle Università italiane. Questo potrà finire solo quando tutto il mondo scientifico accetterà la sfida chiesta dalla maggioranza degli italiani: impegnarsi a creare un futuro senza esperimenti su animali. Info su ➡️ . . . #essereanimali #animali #animals #dirittianimali #macachi #scimmie #animalrights #attivismo #animaliliberi #indagine #laboratorio #italia #universita #wdail #fortheanimals #freetheanimals #videooftheday #esperimenti #worlddayforanimalsinlaboratories #worlddayforlaboratoryanimals


We are all more alike than we like to imagine, in all the ways that count. Imagine the experience of seeing sunlight and an open space for the first time in decades. These are just a few individuals who now no longer suffer constant abuse from animal testing, after 30 years of being caged. It is estimated that at least 115 million animals are used in experiments worldwide each year. Help change that this World Day for Laboratory Animals. Live vegan, share this with someone, and speak out against this abuse. (Video source: EVOLVE Campaigns on Youtube).


This is Flo. Flo spent her life in a laboratory as a test subject for six years before she was rescued and adopted by one of the Vegan Life team. Flo is now enjoying the good life, free from fear and pain. #worlddayforlaboratoryanimals #vegan #animals #crueltyfree #animaltesting


#Repost @anti.speciesist ・・・ These sweet, gentle beings are caged for their entire lives, enduring horrific experiments before being killed when they are no longer useful or are too badly “damaged” to be re-used • They will never see sunlight, feel grass beneath their feet, or experience kindness • Millions of animals suffer in the name of human “progress” • The atrocities committed against them cannot be ignored, nor can they be justified • Read our article on our website (link in bio) for more information about vivisection . . . #speciesism #medicine #animalabuse #animalcruelty #endanimaltesting #worlddayforlaboratoryanimals #science #vegan #canberra #animalrights #animalsrightsactivist #vegansofig #dogs #dogsofinstagram #dogsofinsta #beaglesofinstagram #beagle #puppies #puppiesofinstagram


I've uploaded a few photos from yesterday's #WorldDayForAnimalsInLaboratories over at #wdail #worldday #worlddayforlaboratoryanimals #worlddayforanimalsinlabs #march #marchandrally #animalrights #animalrightsactivism #animalrightsmarch #animalrightsactivist #animalactivists #ukvegans #veganuk #againstanimaltesting #animaltesting #stopanimaltesting #photojournalism #oxford #oxforduniversity #veganlifestyle #dontuseanimals


Heute ist der internationale Tag zur Abschaffung der #Tierversuche Bitte protestiert mit, z.B. indem ihr an einer Aktion am Wochenende teilnehmt (s. z.B., Ca. 3 Millionen Tiere müssen jährlich in deutschen Versuchslaboren leiden und sterben, obwohl es heutzutage moderne Methoden gibt, die aussagekräftige Ergebnisse liefern, ohne Tierleid zu verursachen ( Die Dunkelziffer liegt nochmals deutlich höher, u.a. da auch Tiere "auf Vorrat" gezüchtet und meist einfach umgebracht werden, wenn sie doch nicht gebraucht werden. Wenigstens einige dieser Tiere können von Vereinen gerettet und als Haustiere vermittelt werden. Wenn ihr Interesse habt, ihnen ein gutes Zuhause zu bieten, schaut doch mal bei Mysecondlife, Laborbeaglehilfe e.V. oder Laborkaninchenhilfe e.V. vorbei. #wdail #emptythecages #animalpoliticseu #worlddayforlaboratoryanimals #tierversuche #stopanimaltesting #worldday #mitgefühl #wahl #wählen #eu #tierschutz #tierschutzpartei


Today is World Day For Laboratory Animals. In France, even though many alternatives exist, 2 millions animals are used for experiment : mouses, bunnies, chickens and even cats and dogs. . It seemed obvious to me to talk about bunnies. They are used for testing medications or make up. Most of them live in small cages, chemical products are poured into their eyes and on their bare skin, just to make sure that it doesn’t hurt us as humans. Some make up brands will claim that they don’t test their products on animals but as long as they’re selling in China, they do test it. It’s as simple as that. L’oréal, Mac, Estee Lauder, Sephora, Dior, Guerlain and many many others : they’re all on the same team and it’s not the good one. . Animals are not toys and deserved to be treated with respect. . Here’s what my boyfriend and I know about our bun Marcel after 2 years with him : Marcel lives cage free. He is curious, he wants to interact with us and asks for attention. He hits the ground with his back paw when he’s unhappy. Marcel knows that he has to pee in his litter box and perfectly knows when he has done something wrong. He grinds his teeth loudly when we’re scratching his ears, that means he likes it. He knows that when we hit the ground with our hands, it means we want him to come. Marcel hurries into the kitchen when the fridge is open and tries to open the vegetables drawer. He rests a lot during the day but he’s very playful during evenings and nights. He jumps on tables, sprints in the appartment, makes stuff fall, eats plants, jumps on our couch, tries to untie our shoelaces. Marcel stands up on his back paws and looks at us curiously, like he’s trying to tell us something. He makes us laugh everyday. Marcel yawns like a little dragon and stretches a lot. He has his favorite food : brocoli and apple. But he doesn’t really like bananas and sweet pepper. He can’t stand being disturbed during his meals. Marcel doesn’t always understand us and we don’t always understand him. But one thing is for certain : we can’t get enough of him and we feel privileged to have such a relationship with him. ❤️ . In many ways, having Marcel at home is like having a dog


This week is World Week For Animals in Laboratories - these poor animals are subjected to horrible tests! Lets raise awareness and stop animal testing! All animals should be free / in a loving home. #animalrightsmatter #mybeagleisafreebeagle #stopanimaltesting #animalrights #anticruelty @peta @beaglefreedom #beaglefreedomproject #crueltyfree #foreveragainstanimaltesting #grumpybeaglesunited #grucru #worlddayforanimalsinlabs #worlddayforlaboratoryanimals #worlddayforanimalsinlaboratories #worldweekforanimalsinlaboratories


Back in 2004 we asked for attention for the animals which are used and killed in laboratories. The World Day for Laboratory Animals is next Wednesday, the 24th of April. This day asks to end the suffering of animals in laboratories and replace them with advanced scientific non-animal techniques. . . . #bitebackorg #tbt #throwbackthursday #weetwiejeeet #againstanimaltesting #vegan #tryvegan #animalrights #animalliberation #whatveganslooklike #compassionforall #whatvegansdo #activism #activist #loveanimals #veganlife #animalactivist #thefutureisvegan #veganoutreach #wereldproefdierendag #govegan #vegansofbelgium #animalcruelty #worlddayforlaboratoryanimals

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