widowmaker xboxwidow overwatch widowpotg xbox overwatchclips playofthegame playofthegameoverwatch potg sharpshooter widow widowmakerplayofthegame widowmakertrickshots xboxoverwatch xboxwidowmaker gamer zenyatta bomb console dvabomb dvamain dvamontage dvaoverwatch dvapotg improvement symmetra symmetraedit widowduel widowmain xboxwidowmaker
This book took me the guts of 2 weeks to read it was good but not my normal kinda read @janegreenauthor thank you for opening my eyes and your words.
❣ @psychic_medium_dawn ❣❣
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx
#readmorebooks #read #books #goodtoread #bookworms #bookstagram #booksireland #bookclub #reading #getlostinabook #exercisethemind #xboxwidow #xboxwife #janegreen #straighttalking #women #womenempowerment #genderequality #menarefrommarswomenarefromvenus
Sometimes I find myself quite amusing - discussing in our #WhatsApp group why I don’t mind @osglink playing his xbox - I think that pretty much summed it up #xbox #babysitter #xboxwidow #fortnite #twitch #mansitter #husbandsitter #peace #wife #husband #ithinkimsofunny #hedoesnt #love #xboxstreamer #true #itslikeabuiltinbabysitterforagrownman #link #zelda #gaming #marriedlife ##
Im a big @chamberlain_diane fan and although this book had a very very different twist and tale it was none the less below par. With gentleness Diane created a story which may seem utterly impossible but it was conceivable and considerate to all partys. Thank you for sharing Carlys decade jumping journey. A mother has no limits and this journey speaks volumes. **
❣ @psychic_medium_dawn ❣❣
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx
#readmorebooks #read #books #goodtoread #bookworms #bookstagram #booksireland #bookclub #reading #getlostinabook #exercisethemind #xboxwidow #xboxwife #dianechamberlain #thedreamdaughter #family #timetravel #vietnam #life #twists #carly #searching #nevergiveup #amotherslove #mothersanddaughters
Not my first @nicholassparks book and it wont be my last. With every word the emotions were a rollar coaster of memories and of new. I laughed out loud and i sobbed as Ira and Ruth Sophia and Lukes stories untwinned and opened up worlds a million miles away but the common denominated was love and in real life that will always be the underlining factor.
No matter the age the distance the time and the space Love is there and it appears in many different ways.
❣ @psychic_medium_dawn ❣❣
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx
#readmorebooks #read #books #goodtoread #bookworms #bookstagram #booksireland #bookclub #reading #getlostinabook #exercisethemind #xboxwidow #xboxwife #nicholassparks #thelongestride #lovevibes #ira #ruth #sophia #luke #differentworlds #connectedbylove #lovemakestheworldgoround #romantic #romance #lovewins