yakro portbouet cotedivoire abidjan team225 assinie cocody assiniemafia bassam bietry bingerville bonplan225 daloa faya goodlife225 ivorian ivorianstyle ivorien korogho koumassi lesdeuxplateaux marcoryzone4 plateau riviera3 rivierapalmeraie treichville yopougon abidjanplaces divo abidjanestdoux
Prossima partenza di gruppo dal 25 Ottobre al 03 Novembre 2109.
Tour di 10 giorni, in occasione della FESTA DELL' ABISSA, CONFERMATO con accompagnatore italiano.
Foto di Marco Bartolini
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Its not that im fearless.. just that i like to take certain risks more than the average human☝ Whats the fun in being average anyways♂️ Think about that next time you wanna tell me about something that is not supposed to be done.. there is 80% of chances that thinking of actually doing it is going to cross my mind.. and it takes a lot to fight against my own will
Plus, if i drop drop from the highest Basilica in the world⛪️, God got me.. right
#Heights #Architecture #Yamoussoukro #Yakro #CotedIvoire #IvoryCoast #Basilica #NotreDameDeLaPaix #Team225 #iPhoneX #Ivonomad #Dozovision #NafoLeDozo
Encore toujours le prince du nord je vous souhaite bonne fin de semaine .. Je dit et je et je le répète je sens que je vais réveiller le RAP IVOIR un jour
#cameroun #team225 Abonné vous a la page pour plus de funnn
@225tidiane @aura_corporation #rapivoire #TraceOne #ivoirepeople #yakro #yakroreact' #swaggamatta #ci #team225 #instagood #ivoirian #cotedivoire #ivoire @les_ivoiriennes #ivhd #swaggamatta @swaggdepaname #swag