yimkey yimkey_k family togetherwithme bangkok bangkokuniversity bangyaienglishvillage brothers fashion fashionboy gmmgrammy gmmtv handsome handsomeboy thailand togetherwithmenextchapter tvthunder tvthunderofficial yimkey_cnfan pptvhd36 love loveu loveyou amitycgame maengmumm maxiiin_ boylove tul_pakorn loveboy yimkey_cnfan
Baby...you're crying and yet you try to act like you're alright infront of those adults?You can cry, a guy like him will pay for this. I mean, Yimkey was so amazing here. I can feel the innerly pain Rit is bearing infront of them and seeing him smile like that is heartbreaking I want to really hold him close until he stops pushing himself. Y'know I watch so many TV series of all kinds but haven't been this emotional to any characters for a long time really. He is such a sweetheart and deserves much better i'm not gonna cry yet bc I need to be strong for you Rit and i'm pretty sure there are plenty of men out there who're eager to be with you and love you (much more of a grown up) that you'll find a perfect one as soon as possible#togetherwithme#gaydrama#LGBTq #togetherwithmethenextchapter #Cgame#amityCgame#yimkey#yimkey_k ##cute#FarmRit#yaoi #love#cuteboys#idol#thai#bromance#ch8nce#adorable#boysband#boyslove
love and miss
❤#love #yimkey_k ❤
Cr:@yimkey_k FB
@gmmtv @gmmgrammy
@yimkey.fan #yimkey
@thebrotherskyp_fanclub #kyp
#tvthunderofficial #tvthunder
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#loveu #loveyou
like a truelly adorable fangirl reaction❤ #togetherwithmethenextchapter
#togetherwithme #twmthenextchapter
#gaydrama#LGBTq #togetherwithmethenextchapter #Cgame#amityCgame#yimkey#yimkey_k #cute#FarmRit#yaoi #love#cuteboys#idol#thai#bromance#ch8nce#adorable#boysband#boyslove##relationshit#rolemodel#goodexample