yogabulgaria yoga yogainspiration yogasofia yogateacher ashtanga tristanaashtangayogasofia ashtangaeverydamnday ashtangayoga mysore yogalife inspiration yogaeveryday yogaeverywhere yogainthepark asana ledclass yogagirls yogaretreat yogi balance hathayoga instayoga primaryseries santoshasofia santoshastudio santoshayoga shreyabg yogalove yogavibe sattvicabg
Елате да дишаме с пълни дробове, да се наслаждаваме на #лятото, #морето и небето!
Практиката ще се проведе на платформата за #йога до Летен театър тази събота от 8:30ч.
✅Ще бъде достъпна и за начинаещи, и за практикуващи.
Необходимо е да си носите постелка или голяма кърпа.
⭐️За всеки, който има карта за йога при нас, практиката ще бъде безплатна!
За останалите - необходимо е предварително записване на място на ул.Копривщица 21.
Ако имате въпроси, не се колебайте да ни пишете. :)
Day 3 of #IntoTheChakras : Solar Plexus Chakra - Crow Variation - Personal Power/Desire
I am confident in all that I do.
I stand up for myself.
I respect myself at all times.
I choose health, healing and happiness.
I act with courage and strength.
I deserve a wonderful life.
Day 1: Root Chakra - Pigeon Pose Variation - Safety/Security ❤
Day 2: Sacral Chakra - Skandasana Variation - Emotions/Creativity
Day 3: Solar Plexus Chakra - Crow Variation - Personal Power/Desire
Day 4: Heart Chakra - Camel Variation - Unconditional Love/Compassion
Day 5: Throat Chakra - Shoulder Stand Variation - Sound/Communication
Day 6: Third Eye Chakra - Forward Fold Variation - Thought/Intuition
Day 7: Crown Chakra - Headstand Variation - Enlightenment/Connection
To A Greater Power
Day 6 of #yogamayspiration.
Inversions were never on my "to do" list as something I had to do to be able to teach, or simply to be yogi. Yoga was always something different to me. But it's true that with yoga even if you don't practice a particular asana, your whole body is involved in everything else, getting stronger by the day.
I remember trying headstand once and failed, hehe. Then I haven't even considered trying it again for a long time.
Then a moment came (I guess that's what they say..when your body is ready) I wanted to give it a go..and it happened. Miracle. I thought. But it wasn't.
It was my regular practice that took me to that moment. Nothing changed though. And that's what I'm trying to say with the second photo (if you swipe left). Don't practice to achieve an asana. You may be disappointed. Inversion is literally every pose that have your head below the level of the heart. And yes, good old downward facing dog is one of those..
To join & have a chance to win some awesome prizes please follow these rules:
1. Follow all of the hosts and sponsors;
2. Repost the flyer and tag some friends to join;
3. Post a photo every day;
4. Tag all hosts and sponsors in your posts;
5. Make sure your profile is set to public and use #yogamayspiration so that we can see your posts!
Poses: Choose your favourite..
1.Balancing pose ♀️
2. Hip Opener ♀️
3. Heart Opener ♀️
4. Forward Fold ♀️
5. Backbend ♀️
6. Inversion ♀️
7. Twist
I haven’t imagined that this pose would be so challenging when it looks so easy! Do you have any idea how is it called? ✨Day 2 of #BalancedInSummer challenge by @vayumudra
@vayumudra Winner gets €100 gift card
To be eligible:
Follow all hosts and sponsor
Post all 5 days using the hashtag #BalancedInSummer and tag hosts/ sponsor
Make sure your account is not private so we can see your posts!
Theme Line Up:
Toe Stand ✔️
Standing Balance ♀️✔️
Backbend Balance
Balance with a Twist
Inversion ♂️
#standingbalance #standingbalancepose #balancepose #funkyyoga #standingfunkyyoga #toestand #toestandyogis #beagoddess #yogabulgaria #bulgariangirl #fitgirl #yogafit #yogaapparel #homeyoga #yogalover #yogaobsessed #йогатерапия #йога #myyogalife #onandoffthemat #yogachallenge2019
✨”The more light you allow within you the brighter the world you live in will be.” Shakti Gawain
Day 5 of #Yogamayspiration Time for #backbend pose
It’s not to late to join Just follow these rules:
1. Follow all of the hosts and sponsors;
2. Repost the flyer and tag some friends to join;
3. Post a photo every day;
4. Tag all hosts and sponsors in your posts;
5. Make sure your profile is set to public and use #yogamayspiration so that we can see your posts!
Poses ♀️
Choose your favourite:
1.Balancing pose
2. Hip Opener
3. Heart Opener
4. Forward Fold
5. Backbend
6. Inversion
7. Twist
#yogalife #yogachallenge #yoginisofinstagram #dailyyoga #inflexibleyogis #yogaposes #bulgariangirl #happytime #yogabulgaria #naturaliyoga
За мечтите не е нужна само ВЯРА.
За да върви една кола и трябва шофьор, който знае къде отива и не се страхува да кара и в лошо време
За това - мечтай смело, без граници, без ограничения, без оправдания.
♀️Изправяй се безотказно всеки ден срещу страховете си, бъди по-силен от тях.
Красотата на мечтите съдържа стотици неуспехи, които ти напомнят през какво си преминал и до къде си стигнал.
Защото няма неизпълними мечти, има изоставени желания.
Пожелавам ви фокус и постоянство
Hello, beautiful yogis! Welcome to Day 1 of our #Yogamayspiration challenge!
I choose my favorite balancing pose #treepose or #vrksasana Tree pose strengthens your legs and core while opening your hips and stretching your inner thighs.
⛔️Be careful to avoid placing the left foot directly on the side of the right knee.
✅If it’s too hard you can put the foot on your calf or ankle.
Use the wall (or a friend ) for #balance if necessary.
⬇️ To join & have a chance to win some awesome prizes please follow these rules:
1. Follow all of the hosts and sponsors;
2. Repost the flyer and tag some friends to join;
3. Post a photo every day;
4. Tag all hosts and sponsors in your posts;
5. Make sure your profile is set to public and use #yogamayspiration so that we can see your posts!
Poses ♀️
Choose your favourite:
1.Balancing pose
2. Hip Opener
3. Heart Opener
4. Forward Fold
5. Backbend
6. Inversion
7. Twist
#yogaathome #yogaposes #yoginis #yogachallenge #yogabulgaria #letsstartyoga #yogagirls #partnerincrime #girlspower #naturaliyoga #yogainspiration
Today we mark the first day of #yogamayspiration. The first #bulgarian yoga challenge organized by 7 gorgeous girls and myself. We want to #share it with you. We want to share it with the #world. There's still time to join the fun♀️
First day, first asana #BALANCE. Of course.
I had an image of doing a standing balancing pose. Something I practice daily, but today felt incredibly shaky. And instead of giving up I thought... let's up the game a little. .
Sometimes life throws you into situations that would make you loose balance. Physically and emotionally. And this wouldn't mean you give up, this means you fight even harder to find #motivation and to grow.
It's those moments that show us we are #stronger than we think (not only in pink) and makes the potential in us come up to the surface. Something like The Hulk but without the angry face, hehe.
So I started my day giving thanks to everyone and everything that shakes me, disappoints me and essentially makes me grow. And then I went outside to find my balance
How do you balance?
To join & have a chance to win some awesome prizes please follow these rules:
1. Follow all of the hosts and sponsors;
2. Repost the flyer and tag some friends to join;
3. Post a photo every day;
4. Tag all hosts and sponsors in your posts;
5. Make sure your profile is set to public and use #yogamayspiration so that we can see your posts!
Poses: Choose your favourite..
1. Balancing pose ♀️
2. Hip Opener
3. Heart Opener
4. Forward Fold
5. Backbend
6. Inversion
7. Twist