yogacooking yoga healthyfood yogi yogifood ayurvediccooking healthylifestyle healthyrecipes advayta alkalinediet ayurvedic ayurvediclifestyle ayurvedicmedicine ayurvedikhayat ayurvedikyasam ayurvedikyasamdanismani cooking drvasantlad nutrition sagliklibeslenme saglikliyasam alkaline diyet instafood kilokontrol healthyeating delicious eatclean yogafood eatseavegetable yogifood
Yogi's Kitchen: Quick & easy Keto-friendly snack recipes are hard to find. Here's a chocolate treat that only takes 20 minutes to prep and will satisfy your carb cravings (from Cranberry Chocolate Bark
Serves 16
½ cup sugar-free chocolate chips
½ cup solid coconut oil
2 tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut
2 tablespoons sliced almonds
2 tablespoons dried cranberries or no-sugar-added dried cherries
Line a 9-inch pie plate with a circle of parchment paper; set aside.
In the top of a double boiler, combine the chocolate chips and coconut oil.
Heat until melted and well-combined, stirring occasionally.
Add the coconut, almonds, and cranberries. Stir well to combine. Pour the mixture into the prepared pie plate.
Refrigerate to allow the bark to set until solid.
Turn the bark out onto a work surface and break it into bite-size pieces. .
#yogalifestyle #yogiskitchen #yogacooking #yogifood #mypdx #pdxyogastudio #ketofriendly #ketosnacks #chocolateketo #keto #yogisnacks
This is going to be such a fun challenge!!! I’m already laughing!
#YourYogaEveryDay is a challenge where we will be performing yoga asanas while doing daily tasks!
For Day 1 we challenge you to cook while doing yoga! And my entry is a Lotus Pose seated on the kitchen counter! ♀️ And it looks like I’m advertising the olive oil!
Well, I’m not a big fan of cooking and today I’m not cooking at all because we’re going to a wedding and we will eat and drink there till we roll ourselves home!! Hope you all have a lovely Saturday!! ❤️
Your Daily Hosts:
Our Wonderful Sponsors:
List of yoga daily postures:
Day 1. Cooking
Day 2. Watch TV
Day 3. Dry Hair
♂️Day 4. Passing through door frames
Day 5. Read/Study
Day 6. Wash Clothes
Day 7. Walk The Stairs
#yogacooking #dailyyoga #yogaeverywhereigo #yogachallenge2018 #letsstartyoga #yogaportugal #yogaathome #yogisofig #cookingtime
Brunch is ready @yogapulia ! Let the season begin! My first retreat cooking for the year and many more to come for this summertime in beautiful Puglia ❤️ #feedingtheyogis #veganveg #yogaretreatspuglia #greenchef #yogachefv#yogacooking #retreatbrunches #ashtangaretreatsitaly #soulkitchen #plantbasedchef #happycooking #ashtangapuglia #yogapuglia
I noticed when I was making dinner that I kept checking my FB and IG newsfeed while the timer was counting down to the next step.
I found a more mindful and productive way to spend those 5 minutes at a time. ♀️ .
... and a bonus was the kids were right there coloring. #winning .
#kitchenyoga #yogainthekitchen #yogaeverydamnday #yoga #mchammerpants #jumper #onzie #yogalife #cookingyoga #yogacooking #mindfulness #wildheart #gypsy #gypsysoul #yogamom #timefordinner #yogaflow #dinnerflow
I’m joining today another amazing yoga challenge and the hosts are very dear to me , so this is a must do ! The challenge is posting yoga poses while we do day by day things like cooking , reading , doing the laundry.... . Day 1 is posing when your at your kitchen cooking . Normally I like to dance when I cook and yeah , I do some yoga poses to . I choose a supported #pigeonpose , with my sweet Sammy near me. This is going to be so fun omg . Day 1 #youryogaeveryday with the amazing hosts :
@sarahuactive @esteryoga @temyoga @__sil_06
Sponsors: @onzie @merubeads @myjunglemat @mala_mania @yogisurprise
How to properly get stuff out of the fridge. I'm actually really excited because this is the closest I've got that dang foot to my head! It's a huge accomplishment for my life guys.
#lifeaccomplishments #yogacooking #yogainthekitchen #whatsfordinner #yogapractice #yogajourney #yogastudent #yogafood #yogafordinner #dancerposeyoga
Day 2 for the fun #youryogaeveryday #yogachallenge . The theme for today is watching Tv . Using my #dharmayogawheel to work and release some tensions on my back with the best company my #goldenretriver Sammy. .
Normally I don’t watch , I prefer reading or just relax with my family , but when I watch I like to see a good movie , French movies are my favourites
The beautiful hosts
@sarahuactive @esteryoga @temyoga @__sil_06
Sponsors: @onzie @merubeads @myjunglemat @mala_mania @yogisurprise
Doğru bir beslenmenin yerine geçebilecek hiç bir ilaç ya da tedavi yoktur.⠀
Modern dünyada artık beslenmenin önemini biliyoruz. Bilmediğimiz ise, bedenimizi ve zihnimizi sağlıklı yapacak bizim kişisel olarak ihtiyaçlarımıza uygun bir beslenme şeklini oluşturup, bunu sadık kalmayı nasıl sağlayacağımız. ⠀
Ayurveda yiyeceklerle çok yakından ilişkilidir.
Başlangıçta sağlıklı seçimler yaparken uygulamaya koyabileceğiniz bazı noktaları paylaşmak istiyorum:⠀
1- Yiyeceğin miktarı ve türü⠀
2- Ne kadar işlemden geçtiği⠀
3- Hangi başka tür ürünlerle işlemden geçtiği⠀
4- Yemek yeme zamanlarınız⠀
5- Yemek yeme şekliniz (nerede, hangi hızda vb.)⠀
6- Yemekten sonra ne yaptığınız ve nasıl hissettiğiniz.⠀
En temelde bir öğününüzü yerken veya planlarken bu basit noktaları düşünebilirsiniz. Çok geç olmadan uzun süreli sağlık ve mutluluk için beslenme konusunda kendimizi yeniden eğitmeye başlamalıyız.⠀
Ayurvedaya göre herkes biriciktir ve özeldir.
#advayta #ayurvedic #ayurvediccooking #ayurvedicmedicine #drvasantlad #yogi #nutrition #cooking #saglikliyasam #sagliklibeslenme #diyet #kilokontrolü #instafood #ayurvedikhayat #ayurvedikyasam #ayurvedikyasamdanismani #ayurvediclifestyle #yogifood #yoga #yogacooking #alkalinediet #alkaline #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthyrecipes #healthyeatingideas
Ayurvedaya göre bazı beslenme kuralları:⠀
1- MİKTAR: Midenizi 4 bölüm olarak düşünün. 2 bölüm katı 1 bölüm sıvı yiyeceklerle dolmalı, 1 bölüm boş kalmalı.⠀
2- KALİTE: Yemeklerde mümkün olduğunca 6 farklı tada yer verilmelidir. Bunlar, acı, tatlı, buruk, tuzlu, kekremsi ve ekşi. Sağlıksız yiyecekler miktarı ne olursa olsun bedende toksik etki yapar.⠀
3- ZAMAN: İdeal yeme zamanı beden atıklarını boşalttıktan sonra ve kendimizi aç hissettiğimizdedir.⠀
4- TÜR: Yemekler taze olmalı tekrar ısıtılmamalı çok sıcak çok soğuk çiğ ve aşırı pişmiş olmamalıdır.⠀
5- YEMEK SONRASI: Çok konuşmak, uyumak, kuvvetli egzersiz yapmak, güneşte durmak tavsiye edilmez. ⠀
Bu genel kuralları uygulayabilir daha özel uygulamalar ve kendinize özgü beslenme alışkanlıkları için bir Ayurveda uzmanı ile görüşebilirsiniz.⠀
#advayta #ayurvedic #ayurvediccooking #ayurvedicmedicine #drvasantlad #yogi #nutrition #cooking #saglikliyasam #sagliklibeslenme #diyet #kilokontrolü #instafood #ayurvedikhayat #ayurvedikyasam #ayurvedikyasamdanismani #ayurvediclifestyle #yogifood #yoga #yogacooking #alkalinediet #alkaline #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthyrecipes #healthyeatingideas