yogaeverydamday yoga yogainspiration yogaeverywhere yogalife yogagirl yogalove fitness yogi instayoga love yogaeveryday yogafun yogaposes meditation yogapractice myyogajourney yogapose yogini yogis yogisofinstagram balance lifestyle motivation yogachallenge yogajourney fitfam gratitude instagood yogahamburg
I am the person who teaches the world how to treat me.
I am the person who tells the world who I am.
I am the person who defines my success and happiness.
I am the person who deems if I am on the right path.
I am in charge of my story.
I am the speaker of my truth.
Own who you are.
And then tell us.
Be you, be beautifully you.
And we will see.
And if we don't.
Oh, how much we are missing. .
You just be tired of constantly being made to feel like you are not enough, like you’re beautiful, but only from afar, like you’re longed for, but only from afar. Because the moment they come close enough to see your imperfections and scars- they no longer what they see. And suddenly you become too little, or not enough, or too much for them. Suddenly you become a dream that they wanted to achieve but now that they’re here, it’s no longer as magical as it seemed. Suddenly you’re the prize and now that they have it, they want to lock you up in a small glass cage. You must be tired by how easy it is for people to love you and then let you go, for people to love you and hurt you, for people to love you and break you, for people to love you and leave you behind. Because suddenly their love isn’t enough to fill the well of your heart anymore. Suddenly they don’t know how to love you anymore. Suddenly it’s not them and you fighting the world together anymore. You must be tired, my love, you must be tired. -ruby dhal
#transformationtuesday #flexibility #getbendy #forwardbend #balance #makingshapes #yogini #yogalove #yogainspiration #practiceandalliscoming #yoga4growth #yogaposes #yogavibes #asthanga #yogaeverydamday #yogaaddict #myyogalife #anahatayogini #yogagirl #fitfam #fitgirlsguide #lovelife #liveandletlive #travelgram #lifestyle #india #yogaphotography
To anyone feeling unloved, unheard, unseen or un whole -
You matter . Your voice is valuable. You’re loved. You’re enough. You’re whole and worthy. We need you ; you need you.
@alex_elle .
: @rounit__raj ❤️
#yogateacher #yoga #yogaeverydamday #yogamastersindia #yogaposes #love #bekind #selflove #spreadlove #bengaluru
#YogaInTheStars2 ✨
Last day sign is Pisces ♓️ with fish pose (of course)! I loved this challenge so much and got to connect with amazing yogis!!!
Thank you to all the hosts and sponsors !!!
.. Hosts:
The mind tries to end its suffering through solving endless complex problems it created in the first place. It’s a game that’s designed to keep you chasing your own tail, never quite catching it. .
The alchemical fire of the heart burns straight through the illusion of all perceived problems, revealing how everything you thought was missing was right here, everything you thought was wrong was perfect, and all that you were running towards was the very thing you were running from. .
Я точно не была готова к такому, что с утра мне придётся проделать больше 100 асан на камеру.
Я прибежала с класса с Одноклассниками.ru и сразу ушла на новые съемки для промо-видео к мобильному приложению
Мне сказали, мы сделаем пару фото для обложки, поэтому я взяла штатив, коврик и отправилась в Оранжерею Таврического сада.
Обычно я готовлю тело к съемкам. Как минимум, я не хожу в баню, на массаж или к остеопату перед съемками. А тут такое, три дня в СПА, массажи, тотальное расслабление, а на утро работа на камеру.
Я чувствовала слабость и сверх гибкость своего тела. Прогибы получились более глубокие, чем обычно. Но вот балансы на руках я не смогла сделать достойно.
Вы думаете, я расстроилась?
Нет, конечно.
Я больше не ищу идеальных асан. Я понимаю, что это не важно. Все эти сверх способности тела.
Важна энергия, которая бьется ключом, когда мы занимаемся йогой.
#йогаспб #йогадома #йогароссия #йогатерапия #йогамосква #йогаайенгара #йогадляначинающих #йогашкола #йогаонлайн #yogaiyengar #yogatheropy #yogaeverydamday