yogaheart instayoga yogadaily yogapractice balance igyoga igyogacommunity inversion inversionsaddict myyogajourney officeyoga pinchaparty pinchapractice practiceeverywhere practicenotperfection practiceyoga stopdropyoga strength upsidedown yoga yogacommunity yogaeverydamday yogaeveryday yogagirl yogagram yogainspiration yogaislife yogajnspiration yogajourney дзадзен
Home sick from work today I hate not feeling well. It’s such an awful feeling, but it also makes me so much more grateful for when I do feel good. Honestly, there’s been so much going on and I’ve just been going, going, going that my body is probably telling me to just slow down and take a break. So for today, I’m listening, .
Day 5 of #MayYouBendNotBreak is #bowpose and I went for a little variation on this one! .
Wearing all @vayumudra .
Pose List:
1. Cobra/Upward Facing Dog♥️
2. Standing backbend♥️
3. Wild thing♥️
4. Camel pose♥️
5. Bow pose♥️
6. Wheel pose
7. Yogis choice
#yogamotivation #outdooryoga #yogainnature #yogaheart #openyourheart #trusttheprocess #yogastrong #yogapower #myyogajourney #listentoyourbody
I’ve never been so late for a challenge I’ve hosted before. I love hosting challenges and I love being a part of this community. When I host I do my best to take that responsibility seriously, because it is just that, a responsibility! But this time life got a little in the way. And that’s ok! Sometimes we do have to live in the moment and not on our screens and so today, late is better than never. .
On Thursday I drove all the way from Delaware to Maine to watch my best friend graduate from dental school and become a doctor. It was an incredible weekend full of love and pride and joy! Im so lucky to have a best friend who inspires me daily through her words, thoughts, and actions. .
Final day (very late) of #MayYouBendNotBreak with my choice of #scorpionpose Thank you all for participating and thanks to my lovely cohosts for being amazing to work with ♥️
#backbendpractice #myyogajourney #yogastrong #yogavibes #happyyogi #gratefulyogi #yogafriends #yogaheart #openheart #yogainnature
"The flowing breeze makes me feel to feel the self"
Click credit:- @priyam_sunny
#college #MAC2k19 #newsemester #whataweather #yogaanywhere ##yogainjeans #yogadelight #astanga #yogapictures #yogaself #yogainnature #yogaweather #yogalove #yogaindia #yogapose #yogaheart #yoga4growth #yogainspiration
Doe jij aan yoga? Heb je wel eens een lesje gevolgd? Wil je het een keer proberen?
Ik geef nu 6-7 uur yogales per week en ik vind het fantastisch! Mijn lessen geef ik in mijn thuisstudio, op een sportschool en vanaf vandaag in het park! Deelnemers zijn veelal beginners, maar ook ervaren yogi’s.
Vanavond om half 8 is dus de eerste editie van Yoga in the Park, bij de Kralingse Plas. Lekker buiten zijn en bewegen, love it! Helemaal met dit mooie ☀️ weer.
Doe je snel een lesje mee? Link in bio of check @maloeyoga
Photo by: @kimvanklaveren_
#maloeyoga #beginnersyoga #yogaforbeginners #yogarotterdam #yogainthepark #parkyoga #kralingseplas #kralingsebos #yogaheart #yogateachers #happyyoga #findyourbalance #findbalance #rotterdam #rotterdamcity #igersrotterdam #rdam #entrepreneurstyle #socialmediaqueen #microinfluencer #bossladymindset #youngentrepreneur #womeninbusiness #mindsetofgreatness #thehappinessproject #positivemindset #mindfullife #livinghappy #gymsharkwomen #yogagear
I’m not working on anything right now in my yoga practice. I’m just practicing and teaching. I don’t have any goals (well handstand will always be my goals), but I’m not focusing on any single part of my body. I think I need that. I need to come back to the practice and just let it happen. Tune back into my body. And then maybe the goals will come up again. .
Another amazing balance from #balancethatasana2 and I completely agree with @livinleggings just when I thought I couldn’t love side plank more
#yogagrowth #myyogalife #sideplank #yogaheart #yogajourney #yogateacher #yogabalance #yogastrong #yogathoughts #loveforyoga
I’ve been craving heart openers. Mostly because I’ve been feeling a little heavy lately and my heart is just craving to break out of it and figure it out. I will, eventually, so I’ve just been giving my body what it wants. .
Couldn’t be a more perfect time for this challenge because for 7 days we’re doing all the heart openers. Day 1 of #MayYouBendNotBreak is #cobrapose or #upwardfacingdog and I absolutely love holding this pose to begin a practice, it just feels so good ♥️
Wearing all @vayumudra .
Pose List:
1. Cobra/Upward Facing Dog♥️
2. Standing backbend
3. Wild thing
4. Camel pose
5. Bow pose
6. Wheel pose
7. Yogis choice
#heartopener #updog #yogacravings #yogalove #yogavibes #yogafit #yogainnature #yogabasics #yogaforall #yogaheart
I went to church this morning for the first time in a while. My faith is something incredibly important to me, but going to church hasn’t always been easy. The church I grew up in has so many memories of my mom. Her spirit is so alive there that I can almost see her standing in our pew. For a while I cried every time I walked into the church. I thought maybe staying away would help. It hasn’t. So today when I walked into church even though her spirit is still so alive, it felt more like home. So I think the healing there has started. .
Another pose inspired by the beautiful @whitneydavisyoga and @marta__milani
#alwaysstayhumbleandkind #christianyogi #yogainspiration #yogalove #yogaforhealing #yogaheart #yogaposes #yogaforall #myyogalife #sundayyoga
Thank you for all of your kindness on my last post. I truly appreciate it and will do my best to respond to each of you today! Starting another week. Honestly, I’m currently living for the weekends. One day things won’t always be like this. But right now it is. So needless to say Mondays aren’t my favorite Grateful however that I started my day with my workout and will be ending the day with yoga and The Bachelorette!!! Anyone else excited for Hannah?!?
Day 4 #MayYouBendNotBreak is #camelpose ♥️Wearing all @vayumudra .
Pose List:
1. Cobra/Upward Facing Dog♥️
2. Standing backbend♥️
3. Wild thing♥️
4. Camel pose♥️
5. Bow pose
6. Wheel pose
7. Yogis choice
#yogaheart #bachelorettemonday #backbendpractice #yogalove #mondayyoga #practicinggratitude #yogafamily #yogapower #fityogi #outdooryoga
Day 12 and final day of #12daysofyogis with #yogischoice pose!
On this final day I would like to summarize the 11 things I said I am grateful for along this challenge and to add the number 12:
1. I’m grateful to have met the most amazing soul ever. The one who sends butterflies straight to my heart whenever I look at him ❤️
2. To have an incredible and big family
3. To have everything I need like a home, water, clothes...
4. To have the best friends ever
5. For all the small things in life
6. For being healthy
7. To feel happy and confident
8. To live in Switzerland, a country in peace
9. To have food
10. To have started yoga
11. To be connected with all of you because you guys are seriously amazing souls
12. Finally, on this last day I want to say thank you to everyone who has participated in this challenge (sponsors, hosts and yogis) and also for everyone else who supported us by sharing love on our posts
Without you this challenge wouldn’t have existed!
Beautiful hosts :
Our generous sponsors :
#heartopener #yogachallenges #yogalifestyle #spreadlove #hairstand #yogahair #yogahairdontcare #yoga #wheel #wheelpose #wheelposevariation #yogawheelpose #backbend #benckbends #backbending #openheart #yogaheart #yogaheartopener #yogi #yogini #yogalove #yoganature #natureyoga #yogainnature #yogaforest #forestyoga #yogasoul #soulyoga