yogahigh yogalife yogachallenge yogaeverywhere yogafit yoga yogagirl yogapractice yogalove yogateacher yogaaddict yogapose igyoga yogagram yogainspiration yogastretch yogaeveryday yogafun yogajourney yogini igyogafam instayoga yogaeverydamnday yogafam yogapants yogaplay yogisofinstagram bendyyogisflow inspiredyogis loveyoga inspiredyogis
ORACLE CARD READING AND SOUNDBATH With Sa’arah and @shantisoundhealing Saturday June 15 at 6:30pm.
Transport yourself to a realm of tranquility and higher consciousness through an insightful reading and sacred sound.
Christina and Paul of Ashanti will sweep you away on a transcendental journey with a guided chakra meditation, singing bowls, gongs, chimes and more. Each guest will experience an individual three card reading during the soundbath with Sa’arah and her uniquely crafted Sacred Awakening Oracle Card deck.
Don’t miss this magical opportunity to connect to Spirit, your heart and your higher self.
SATURDAY JUNE 15 6:30pm $40 Energy Investment. Space is limited to 12 Guests.
Please RSVP (808) 269-5983 ✨✨✨ @shantisoundhealing
I’ve been fortunate enough in Bali to be able to take a healthy break from teaching, and focus my energy into some new projects.
Although I really have missed it so, and I’m thrilled to say I will be teaching again soon.
I’ve got some exciting new endeavours coming up, can’t wait to share.
Stay tuned
Excited to share I’ll be teaching my CRYSTAL FLOW & MEDITATION class at @dirtysouthyogafest on Saturday August 10th!
by @fabilovell thank you gorgeous
I’m so grateful to be a part of this festival and if I can change the path of just one curious attendee, my heart will explode with joy.
The first yoga festival I went to was @wigwamwellness it changed my practice and changed my life. I went thinking “this will be fun...” I left feeling a shift. A shift like.... Yes I want to deepen my practice, Yes I want to become a teacher, and Yes I want to be surrounded by more yogis. I was inspired and met people I still know today and who continue to inspire me today like @beckytheyogi and @supyogini @mindful_healer @carlygraceyoga and @sharilfox and countless others. .
I remember feeling things like I’ll never be able to get full split, I also remember the most magical outdoor flow I’ve ever experienced. I remember trying Kundalini and feeling like it wasn’t for me, but years later I’m more interested in revisiting that experience and practice too. .
Yoga festivals are magical when you approach them with openness and curiosity... days filled with yoga help to turn off the judgements and boundaries our minds’ create and they turn on the soul, turn up the vibration. Days filled with yoga and new friends are also extremely balancing. If you’ve ever taken 3 yoga classes in one day, you know what I mean. That’s what brings on the “yoga high” which is more of just a feeling of bliss, peace, calm and happy. You feel fulfilled. .
Hope you will join me and many other beautiful yogis at #dirtysouthyogafest .
Visit @dirtysouthyogafest
For more details... and sign up for a weekend of yoga classes, festivities, and community. It’s all happening Aug 9th-11th at the Loudermilk Center in downtown ATL. Can’t wait to see y’all there!
#dsyf #dirtysouthyoga #crystalyoga #crystalenergy #yogaatl #yogaatlanta #atlantayoga #atlanta #dirtysouth #getinspired #atlyoga #atlyogateacher #yogajourney #startyouryogajourney #yogahigh #feeltheyogahigh #raiseyourvibration #intentionsetting
✨Vamos de DESAFIO Mores?!
O desafio é aberto pra quem sentir o chamado de participar pq Yoga é para todxs!!!! E por isso vamos fazer um desafio baseado nos KRAMAS. Kramas são as etapas de trabalho. Em que cada variação atende o ritmo de florescimento da consciência de cada ser. Respeitamos isso. Cada um tem seu tempo, por isso é pra todos! Para aprofundar em algo precisamos passar pelos fundamentos e pelas bases, os kramas permitem que isso aconteça de forma respeitosa. É sobre auto acolhimento, confiança e perseverança!
Começamos na segunda 10/06 e encerramos no sábado 15/06!
Pra participar é só acompanhar nosso perfil e marcar as #s #desafioumaposturapordia #yogacomruthelu na sua foto [com a variação (krama) da sua escolha]. Além do desafio vamos fazer também um SORTEIO!
Quer ganhar um par de bloquinhos e uma vaga no nosso workshop “Quem Mantra Seus Males Espanta”? Pra concorrer a uma bolsa e a um par de bloquinhos basta participar do desafio completo utilizando as mesmas marcações (#desafioumaposturapordia #yogacomruthelu @luizalupiano @ruth.torquato) e acrescentar a hashtag #queromeubloquinho .
Pronto, tá concorrendo! O sorteio será dia 18/06 na LIVE.
O workshop “Quem Mantra Seus Males Espanta” será um dia especial de mantras, yoga, dança, customização de bloquinhos e vc ainda leva seu par de bloquinhos customizados pra casa! <3
@premanandayogaschool @remozzini @ana_lugh #yogaparatodos
When you realize nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you. So relax!
#yogapic #yogafam #yogaposes #yogagirl #yogainspiration #yogalife #yoga4growth #yogapractice #yogafit #yogabody #yogateacher #yogajourney #yogaeverywhere #yogaadvanced #yogaoutside #summeryoga #yogaprogress #yogavibes #yogatherapy #yogahigh #yogalifestyle #stretching
#Yoga is the journey to the self, through the self. I used to hear this in class but never really understood it correctly until I was ready to understand what it truly meant. Yoga is a #beautifuljourney to find out who we were before this world conditioned us with beliefs and fears. I have learned that yoga empowers and humbles, and that just like our life, will not allow us to attain certain things until we are ready and have learned what we needed to learn in the previous station. A forever student of this #yogapractice ♀️.
@fabletics Mat by @juneandjuniper
Instead of giving up on the face adversity ,you should face it with Positive attitude and SMILE ..... #travelphotography #yogagirl #yogapeace #yogaeverywhere #yoga #yogatrainerandpractitioner #yogabyheart #yogicbreathing #yogaposes #yogachallenge #yogaanytime #yogaforallbodies #yogalifestyle #yogalife #yogainstructor #yogafeature #yogalove #yogainspiration #yogafit #yogastretch #yogini #yogaeveryday #yogaanywhere #yogaddict #yogalooksgood #yogaholic #yogajourney #yogapractice #yogahigh
Anytime ready to pose♀️
|Anzeige| „Balance is not something you find, it‘s something you create.“ (Jana Kingsford)
Wie recht sie damit hat. ❤️ Nach einem faulen Tag gestern, war ich heute morgen sogar schon beim Yoga ♀️ Über die @classpassde App habe ich mir einen entsprechenden Kurs rausgesucht, mich angemeldet und schon konnte es losgehen. Als Belohnung wartet auf mich jetzt ein leckerer frischer Smoothie - perfekt bei den sommerlichen Temperaturen heute! Habt einen guten Start in die Woche, meine Lieben ❤️
#bealapanthere #bethebalance #classpassde #yogainspiration #yoga