yoga chantyoga daycares yosic cortemadera kidsyoga sfkidsyoga castrodistrict celebratelife chakras energy energyhealing kidsyogasf mantrahealing millvalley noevalley privateclass sanskrit toddlers sfdaycares yogakids childrenyoga littleyogis dhanirasana bowpose yogarestorative happybabypose kidsyogaclasses kidsyogaclass alice dhanirasana
Starting the day with a little walk before morning class. #sfbaytoddlers #yoga #kidsyoga #yosic #mantrahealing #energy #energyhealing #chakras #sanskrit #yogarestorative #yoga #privateclass #chantyoga #castrodistrict #noevalley #cortemadera #millvalley #celebratelife #daycares #sfkidsyoga #kidsyogasf
#toddlers #sfdaycares #tiburon
Mentoring involves more than just talking and sharing your personal stories. Its important to be hands on and more than just theoretical. We just finished our first summer camp YOSIC (Young Ones Summer Innovation Camp) with @kavibrooklyn where are your young people learned about mediation and restorative justice practices, but they also participated in mini-med schools and learned about suturing, splinting and wound management. Here they are suturing using pig feet (no they didn't eat the pig feet after). #YOSIC #kavibrooklyn #mentoringworks #youeitherbuildordestroy #brooklyn #eastflatbush #latergram #youth #empowerment #STEM #steameducation
Playing with Snapchat with a friend #bowpose #dhanirasana #kidsyoga #yogakids #childrenyoga #yoga #yosic #mantrahealing #energy #energyhealing #chakras #sanskrit #yoga #privateclass #chantyoga #castrodistrict #noevalley #cortemadera #millvalley #celebratelife #chantyoga #daycares #sfkidsyoga #kidsyogasf
#toddlers #daycares #sfdaycares #littleyogis #kidsyogaclass
Just me #bowpose #dhanirasana #kidsyoga #yogakids #childrenyoga #yoga #yosic #mantrahealing #energy #energyhealing #chakras #sanskrit #yoga #privateclass #chantyoga #castrodistrict #noevalley #cortemadera #millvalley #celebratelife #chantyoga #daycares #sfkidsyoga #kidsyogasf
#toddlers #daycares #sfdaycares #littleyogis #kidsyogaclass