youarelove love inspiration loved loving miracles angel free freedom freelove kind kindness light magic unconditionallove beautiful beauty cool dreamer loveandlight magical meditation miracle mystery soultribe spiritjunkie spiritual spiritualgirl spiritualwoman changchun
T-15.V.1. The holy instant is the Holy Spirit’s most useful learning device for teaching you love’s meaning. For its purpose is to suspend judgment entirely. Judgment always rests on the past, for past experience is the basis on which you judge. Judgment becomes impossible without the past, for without it you do not understand anything. You would make no attempt to judge, because it would be quite apparent to you that you do not understand what anything means. You are afraid of this because you believe that without the ego, all would be chaos. Yet I assure you that without the ego, all would be love.
There is absolute certainty that your twin flame loves you. And when I say love, I don’t mean it in the way we have always used it in today’s society. It is far beyond what we can imagine with the human mind. It can only be felt with the heart. Your twin flames love for you is a love beyond measure, without limits - eternal, sacred, unconditional. A bond that cannot ever die. You absolutely are so incredibly special to your twin, even when you are not shown that.. (remember All is an illusion meant to raise our consciousness and lead us back to love) your twin flame is programmed to lead you to heal. However that looks (your twin flame ignoring you, blocking you, etc) is what we all agreed to, yes you agreed to this! & remember You are your twin flames world. You are a wonderful, evolved being on this journey! Know in your heart that you are loved and then you will stop needing validation on the outside and ironically that’s when you will see it flooding in and I mean flooding (yes this happened to me). Once we let go of control, surrender and trust that everything will work out in our favor. You’ll notice the energy shift in your twin flame journey, and in every single aspect of your life will fall together. Simply Watch and Allow the Magic to unfold. ❤️♋️#twinflame #twinflames #twinflamealchemy #twinflamelovers #divinelove❤️ #signsfromabove #youarelove #theuniversehasyourback✨ #angelsigns1111 #69yingyang #youarefree #healingenergies #loveandlight #divinemasculinefeminine #unconditionallove #lovealwayswins #seperationisanillusion #onlyloveisreal #sendingenergyandlove
You are perfect, exactly as you are
nikita_gill #selflovecoaching #selflovecoach #selflovejourney #selfloveclub #bodypositivemovement #bodypositivitymovement #selflovewarrior #bodypositivity #selflovefirst #selfcareissacred #selflove #selfcaretips #youarelove #trustyourintuition #beempowered #selfempowered #selfappreciation #honouryourself #honoryourself
“Our Soul recognizes when another is vibrating at the same frequency. That’s the frequency of Love” Your twin flame was Divinely led to you on this plane so that we can experience what heaven truly feels like. We know we would get through any seeming barrier here, because our Souls understand that Our Love is more powerful than All, And All barriers are illusions of this plane & we knew the truth that, “Separation is an Illusion Only Love Is Real.” we knew we would recognize one another immediately even with going through the process of forgetting upon birth here. That is why even with living in complete opposite areas of the Worlds, coming from different cultural backgrounds, speaking other languages, with contrasting traits, issues, baggage, and overall personalities; We knew that we would ultimately be One no matter what and it is why our Souls have so much trust, faith, and hope in Our Love. There is no fear, because the truth is within and we know everything will be okay, & what’s in store for us will be wonderful. We have come here to spread love, to be Love, and our twin flame journey has taught us exactly how to do that & how can you have a better love story than that? Our true purpose is to serve, to heal ourselves to heal others and that is exactly what this journey will do. We activated the awakening process upon meaning which means we will wake up (all of us, yes you and your twin and timing does not matter.) And we will be One with our twin flame (we already are in 5th dimension) which is the only reality, this plane is merely a way for us to grow. Which is why it’s important to be appreciative of the this connection and to look within to the truth that exists within. Your twin flame is with you, they are you, and you cannot possibly not have what you want because it is already yours. It is just a matter of claiming it. (Knowing)❤️♋️#twinflame #twinflames #twinflamelove #twinflamelovestory #divineguidance #divinetiming #divineunion #synchronicity #signsfromabove #theuniversehasyourback✨ #youarelove #youarefree #seperationisanillusion #onlyloveisreal #twinflames1111 #twinflamesupport #69yingyang #wordiamword #loveandlight #healingenergy
When your eyes and mine can see the same
#whenyoureyesandminecanseethesame #isthislove #itmustbelove #loveisthebest #youarelove #youaremyangel #streetart #arteurbano #urbanart #arturba #arturbain #llaunes #latas #cans #canettes #me_lata #cansinvasion #streetartbarcelona #streetartparis #streetartmallorca #streetartlondon #streetartmadrid #barcelona #artevistasgallery