Sometimes what you are the most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free!! ✨✨✨✨✨ This is true.... letting go of toxic friendships or relationships, opening your heart to love again, letting go of pain of the past, starting a new business, trying something totally different or new, overcoming the "what if" syndrome (i.e.:"what if it doesn't work out, what if I fail, what if I am not liked"......don't let the what ifs of your mind hold you back from living your life), etc. It is in facing your fears that you will find your life....loving yourself along the way!! You are stronger than you think and everything need to succeed already exists inside of you.....use your courage to reach in and find it!!! #whatifyousucceed #smile #letgo #faith #strength #courage #overcome #beopen #youhavethepowertochangeyourlife #justbelieve
Sometimes you have to learn to be your own best friend because no one is better at loving you, then YOU!! Only you can set the standards for the life your living and once you learn how truly powerful you are, you'll realize what you do deserve and what you don't ☺️ #youraBADASSgoddess #YOUhavethepowertochangeyourlife #newmoon #letgoofwhatsholdingyouback #letgooffear #youdontneedthatshit #dowhatsetsyoursoulonfire #dowhatmakesyoursoulsing #theresnobettertimetostartthannow ☝️#todayisanewbeginning ☺️✨ #selflove #LOVElifeandlifewillLOVEyouback
YOU ARE A BADASS! I’m currently listening to this book on audio and I can already see small changes happening in my life. It’s even scaring me just a little bit.
Immense gratitude + Powerful imagination
= High energy frequency connecting you to other high frequency things (aka the life you want)
= UNIVERSE making things happen!
In others words, not only do you have the power: YOU ARE THE POWER!
Tú eres un BADASS! (Si alguien me quiere ayudar con esa traducción hágale jaja ) Así se llama el libro que estoy escuchando en audiobook y ya estoy viendo cambios pequeños en mi vida hasta que me asusta un poco!
La fórmula:
Gratitud inmensa + Imaginación poderosa
= una energía de alta vibración que te conecta con otras cosas también de alta vibración (ósea la vida que quieres)
= EL UNIVERSO hace que pasen las cosas
En otras palabras, no solamente tienes el poder, TU ERES EL PODER.
#ifyoucandreamit #energyisreal #theuniversehasmyback #icandoanythingiputmymindto #selfmanifestation #eluniversoestaamifavor #positivebringspositive #negativebringsnegative #siemprepositivos #attractwhatyouwant #humanmind #powerfultools #weareallconnected #sisepuede #nuncaterindas #eluniversoconspiraamifavor #piensalohazlo #imaginando #energywork #itsallwithinyou #youhavethepowertochangeyourlife #focusonthepositives #everydaychanges #dontdoubtyourgreatness #youareunstoppable #youareabadassbook #jensincero #bestbookiveeverread #movingmountains #lagringalatina
Every Morning you wake up is another chance to get it right. #valentineweek #roseDay #expressYourLove #sayItBeforeItsTooLate #makeThemFeelSpecial #neverletyourtruelovegoaway #youmightnotgetanotherchance #createYourMagic #becauseTrueLoveHappensOnce #loveIsBeautiful #giveLoveAnotherchance #giveYourselfAnotherChance #letsFallInLoveAgain #youHavethePowerToChangeYourLife #ifYourLoveIsTrueGoGetHim/her #dontRegretLater #nowOrNever ❤️ (piccredit @adityasinghrajput2016 )
All that you see out in front of you is how you feel inside your head. -Alan Watts
Beau's wearing wooden sunglasses from @vudd
They also just launched there first line of watches. Check them out ! (link in our bio)
“The most important relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself.” Only you can make yourself happy, it’s up to you to make your everyday decisions, you ether decide to live a happy life or to live miserable. No one has the power to make you feel something you don’t want to, unless you allow them to. What will your decision be? #SelfLoveChallenge Day 3
#empowerment #youareimportant #makeyourselfhappy #makeyourselfproud #makeyourselfapriority #youhavethepowertochangeyourlife #choosehappiness #choosetobehappy #loveyourselffirst #womensupportingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #womenstyle #womenentrepreneurs #quoteofthenight #quotestoliveby #wordstoliveby #lifestyleblogger #instabloggers #igblogger