youngfellowclothing clothingbrand clothingline yfclothing thanksfornothing madeinnewhampshire screenprinting eastcoastbrand graphicdesign brandingdesign acidwash fashiondesign clothingdesign screenprintedapparel supportqueerbusinesses thisisyoungfellow logodesign queerbrand smallbusiness bleachdye catgraphic creative knitbeanie lateinthegamesince2013 madeinnewengland markdowns sale splatterart splatterdye appareldesign dyeofyourdreams
Hello universe, I’m excited to show the new and improved Young Fellow logos!
All made with the help of some clumsy glitter glue. (Medium: Glitter glue, photographed at high-res, digitally manipulated and vectorized for clean strokes and edges). Here are a few versions, the stacked version will be used in most cases, but the horizontal version will come in handy in the future regarding extreme horizontal elements.
Thanks all!
#youngfellow #thisisyoungfellow #clothingbrand #clothingline #yfclothing #youngfellowclothing #glitterglue #liquidtypography #diylettering #homemadelettering #handmadetypography #handmade #graphicdesign #brandingdesign #clothingbrandesign #clothingdesign #madeinnewhampshire @thisisyoungfellow
Super pumped to release a few limited edition tees on Friday!
All proceeds will go to purchasing materials for PRIDE shirts, as well as new YF gear to kick off the summer.
Coming soon are some mother effin’ KOOZIES.
Get ready. (Here’s me being a dingus, printing shirts like a robot)
#youngfellow #youngfellowclothing #thisisyoungfellow #clothingbrand #newthingscomingsoon #comingsoon #screenprinting #queerbrand #splatterdyedshirts #acidwashshirts #logotshirts #getready @livvarney
SLICES OF HEAVEN ANYONE!? I'll have some pizza slice canvas sew-on patches available soon! Stay tuned! (In the meantime, check out the sale! $15 tees in shop that need to go!) #pizzawinsall #yfclothing #thisisyoungfellow #youngfellowclothing #logodesign #pizzaslice #graphicdesign #clothingline #pizzagraphic #slicetildeath #pizzaornah #sewonpatches #canvaspatches @thisisyoungfellow
Hello universe, I’m excited to show the new and improved Young Fellow logos!
All made with the help of some clumsy glitter glue.
Glitter glue, photographed at high-res, digitally manipulated and vectorized for clean strokes and edges.
Here are a few versions, the stacked version will be used in most cases, but the horizontal version will come in handy in the future regarding extreme horizontal elements.
Thanks all!
#youngfellow #thisisyoungfellow #clothingbrand #clothingline #yfclothing #youngfellowclothing #glitterglue #liquidtypography #diylettering #homemadelettering #handmadetypography #handmade #graphicdesign #brandingdesign #clothingbrandesign #clothingdesign #madeinnewhampshire
We’ve been coming here and taking selfies for 6 years. We’ve signed the geocache at least 4 times. We’ve only misjudged a wave and been completely soaked once. And for some reason we almost always get lost trying to find it.
#magnolia #eastcoast #massachusetts #ocean #youngfellowclothing #behindthescenes #lesbian
$15 + SHIPPING (All proceeds go to ramping up for Pride & up-coming summer products!)
[Available in sizes S - XL > adult / unisex]
Get them while they last!! // @thisisyoungfellow
#youngfellowclothing yfclothing #thisisyoungfellow #clothingbrand #clothingline #acidwash #splatterdye #logodesign #catgraphic #bleachdye #splatterart #thanksfornothing #markdowns #sale