youngswimmers swimming astar desheng sgkids sgswimming swimlessons happylearningkids happyswimming sgprimaryschool sgswim singaporecoach supportiveparentsarethebest swim swimmingsingapore swimsafer365 enrichmentsg futureswimmers motivation sgmummies sgparentsbloggers sgswimmer swimsafer swimsaferfaster aquawarriors gowarriors sgbloggers sgenrichment smartguys swimmers warriorsnation
Sun was out and so were our indefatigable swimmers!!! It is getting near to end of season for most, but for us we're just getting started....Let the fun begin!!! .
#swimmers #littleswimmer #competitiveswimmer #excellentcoach #greatassistantcoach #outdoorswimming #lakeswimming #thelakeisourpool #qualityoversize #weareswimmers #wecanswim #weswimtoeat #eatswimsleep #youngswimmers #youngathletes #teammates #wearefamily #portmoody #1stbbq #video
On Saturday, 21 of our swimmers took on the best of Dubai. Taking home 10 medals, including 3 Gold 4 Silver and 3 Bronze.
Plus, a big well done to Nils Baumann and his older sister Naja, at the Silver Pathways in Abu Dhabi on Friday.
#youngswimmers #futurestars #wsowaves #bringinghomethebling #silverpathways #letsgowso #fitfalcons #wsofalcons #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #hardworkpaysoff #inspireageneration #youngathletes #healthyactivelifestyle #healthybodyhealthymind #wsohealthhub @wsosecondarypeandsport
Our children have a bit of influence when it comes to their studies but one of our non-negotiable (every Hawkins has to master it) skills is swimming. We love the pools and beaches around our coastal home and we want to be able to enjoy them knowing that our children are safe, capable, and confident in the water. Do you have any non-negotiable subjects/skills for your children? #waterbabies #swimseason #homeschoolfun #lifeskills #watersafety #backstroke #youngswimmers #californiahomeschoolers #swimlessons #blackhomeschooler #toteachherown
It was fun on the last #drylandtraining session of the year 2018, they became bosses, did their own stuff, mucked more than the action, barked at the real boss when he tried to control and command them. It was their morning,day and time.It has been real #shifting and #grinding for the past 4months from these lovely #dolphins, #sharks, and #whales (@atu.ambala @ahuraambala @chantelle.kariuki @malaika.kariuki Maya Omondi @victoria_.oa @virginiaspaaam @kh.widzy and Aliyah ) but well #periodised and #prepared for the task ahead - #swimlife and #competitions.